Monday, 30 May 2016

Introducing My Brit Mums Live Sponsors 2016 - Esteem Visions & Andrea Sexton

I am beyond excited to be attending #BML16 at the end of June and even more excited with the fact I have some sponsors for the weekend! This is my second year of attending the event and remember last year how nervous I was, this year I am still nervous but having a sponsor in some way feels like someone believes in my blog so I am a little bit more confident.

So here they are, the amazing companies that are sponsoring me.

First of all I would like to introduce Esteem Visions who are a new genre of portrait photography for ladies with self esteem and body image issues. They recapture and builds self esteem by creating stunning and elegant images of their clients, which are not achieved through computer manipulation.

Esteem Visions is the brain child of Alison Hunt, who at the age of 58 finally took control of a lifestyle, diet and her body shape, Even with her new svelte look, Alison's general opinion of her appearance remained unchanged despite the many compliments that she received from family and friends. Decades of fighting her weight had sadly taken its toll on her self esteem.
All this quickly and dramatically started to change after Alison, reluctantly, agreed to 'model' for her photographer husband Rod, who wanted to test out some new studio lights. Rod, being all too aware of Alison's low opinion of herself, used a combination of clever posing and advanced lighting techniques  to flatter his wife's new figure and subtly disguise the most obvious signs of ageing.   
Although it took several days before Alison looked at the images that Rod had produced with any real interest, she slowly started to see an image of herself that others had seen for quite a while. This growing eureka moment started to have a profound effect on Alison's self esteem and as her confidence in her looks grew, she started to share and discuss the images with family and friends.
It wasn't long before Alison not only realised how these images were starting to transform what had always been low self esteem, but also that if they had had this effect on her, how many other women and possibly even men with self esteem issues, could it also help.

I was so pleased that they wanted to sponsor me as this is a concept that I feel very strongly about. I think everyone should feel comfortable in themselves and a company like Esteem Visions helps women to do this in a world that is full of computer enhanced photography. It has taken me a while to feel comfortable in myself since my weight lose and had I known they were around a year ago I would have given them a visit.

You can find Esteem Visions on Twitter @EsteemVisions and on Facebook. Also pop over to their website to find out a little bit more.

My second sponsor is Andrea Sexton PR who works to promote businesses related to sports, fashion, and events as well as working with charities. They are the "Queens of the small budget" and they love working with new businesses and on new projects. Their passion is helping their clients become more well known.

You can find Andrea Sexton PR on Twitter @ASextonPR, on Facebook and also on Instagram.

Thank you so much to both Esteem Visions and Andrea Sexton PR for sponsoring me at Brit Mums Live 2016, it really means a lot. 

* I have been sponsored by Esteem Visions and Andrea Sexton so I can attend BML16. * 
Marvellous Mondays badge by Hello Archie


  1. Congrats on some lovely sounding sponsors and I'm looking forward to seeing you there. Please say hello! #marvmondays

  2. Fab news lovely! Well done. Can't wait to see you xx #marvmondays

  3. Aww yay! You lucky lady :-)So exciting to be able to go to BML16 and how great is it that you have not one, but two sponsors! Amazing :-) Thanks for linking up to #MarvMondays. Emily

  4. Great news! Congratulations on getting sponsors - they sound great. I hope you have a lovely time at Brit Mums Live (: x

  5. That's fab news and I hope you have a brilliant time #justanotherlinky

  6. That's fab news and I hope you have a brilliant time #justanotherlinky

  7. What a brilliant idea! Such a great sponsor congratulations!

  8. How cool to have sponsers! Have a great time. I look forward to hearing all about it. #justanotherlinky

  9. How exciting and lovely sounding sponsors xxx # justanotherlinky

  10. What a fab sponsor! I just love the ethos of this company! I'm going to BML16 too - hopefully see you there! #justanotherlinky

  11. What amazing sponsors! Hope you have a lovely time at BML16 #justanotherlinky

  12. This is so awesome. Makes me wish I was in the UK, so that I could be a part of it all! Good luck! #justanotherlinky

  13. nice sponsors!! well done! I hope you have a great time at BML #justanotherlinky

  14. I absolutely love the idea of Esteem Visions! Good work on the sponsorship, have a great time at BML! #justanotherlinky

  15. Fantastic sponsors. Well done on them and you! #justanotherlinky

  16. Congrats on the sponsors! I bet its going to be amazing!
    Im definitely going to try and come next year!!

  17. Great news - Congratulations on the sponsors! #justanotherlinky

  18. What a fab idea. Congrats on your sponsorship x

  19. Congrats on your sponsors! x #justanotherlinky

  20. I'm not going to Britmums this year unfortunately, but it's great fun so I'm sure you'll have a blast. Am very glad I've found this linky (my latest blog is new – I only started it in May). #justanotherlinky

    Cheers, Maddie (@TheIndeparent @maddiesinclair)

  21. congratulations. Have a great time! #justanotherlinky

  22. Congrats on being sponsored and getting to attend the conference. Hope you enjoy!

  23. That's brilliant news! Looking forward to meet you lovely! x #justanotherlinky

  24. Such amazing sponsors well done lovely x

  25. Well done on your sponsors! Esteem Visions sounds interesting. I had anorexia when I was younger, and body dysmorphia, which I still have some issues with (the dysmorphia, not the anorexia), and I hate being in photos or on film in any way. #justanotherlinky

  26. Aww congratulations lovely great that you are going and have not one but two sponsors! Having a 6 week old has meant that I've decided to give it a miss this year otherwise would have been great to say hi. Have a wonderful himr - very jealous!! #justanotherlinky xx



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