Saturday, 7 May 2016

What Made Me Happy This Week #9

This week has been a bit of a surreal one with Mr C and I having a trip to Amsterdam & then London over the weekend until Tuesday evening. I missed the boys so much but we have still managed to pack lots of fun into the end of the week. Our break away was lovely but it is so nice to be back being Mummy, even if it is rather stressful!

1. Amsterdam. There is only one word to describe our weekend away and that is awesome! We had so much fun and so many laughs, it was an experience but a bloody good one!

2. London. We flew into Luton Monday night, said goodbye to our friends and Mr C & I headed on into London. This is because Tuesday was his 30th birthday so we had a day of sight seeing and exploring planned. We went to the London Dungeons, ate at our fav restaurant as they have our favourite wine and explored, it was lovely!

3. Catching up with friends. After a hectic weekend it was back to being Mummy with play dates and friends. 

5. Westonbirt Arboretum. It has been a while since we have been to one of our favourite spots what with the weather not being great and everything just being hectic, but we got there this week and it was beautiful. The boys did play up and were little monsters but the whole place was covered in bluebells and I managed to get some great pictures and had a lovely time with my best friend.

6. Finley & Mummy time. On Friday while Noah was at preschool, Finley and I had plans to go to the steam museum. But the sun was shining so we changed our plans and headed to Bowood as I knew Finley would love all the climbing and the fresh air. I wasn't wrong and we had the most wonderful time just the two of use, we shared a picnic and I watched him climb so high with no fear at all.

7. Getting back into a routine. Going away is always lovely, and having time as a couple is great but coming back to the boys and getting back into our routine is also brilliant. I love to plan and be organised and since the house move this hasn't been happening. But with not many plans that organisation can come back and we can finally get into a new routine.

Hope everyone has a great weekend and a lovely week! 
A Cornish Mum

What Katy Said
Run Jump Scrap!


  1. Those bluebell pics are beautiful Sounds like you had a great week #happydayslinky

  2. It Sounds like you of lot in and had a wonderful time. I lover Amsterdam. Haven't been since I was 16 though :-(

  3. Looks like you had a lovely week and happy 30th to the hubby! I've always wanted to go to Amsterdam its on my list. Thanks for linking to #PickNMix

  4. Do you know, I don't think I have ever been to the London Dungeons - is that bad? We only live 20 mins away too so probably should rectify that!! Thank you for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky x

  5. Amsterdam and London, how amazing! I love your bluebell photos, they're gorgeous. Thanks for linking up to #HappyDaysLinky x

  6. What a fab happy list!! Love those gorgeous piccies in the bluebells, gorgeous! Thanks for linking up lovely #bestandworst



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