Tuesday, 24 May 2016

Pushing My Body

Since I started running just over a year ago I have surprised myself on a regular basis on what my body can do. When I started to run I could hardly run around the block without getting a stitch and I would walk, run, walk, run. Now I am running a 10k race without stopping, I even ran a half marathon without stopping. Yes I slowed down but I kept on going. My body has learnt to run and it had learnt how to take it.

I thought I had got to a pace in which I was going to stay at with running, I had my pace, but that was until I joined the local running group. One of the leaders told me that you can increase your pace with training and you don't get to your peak running pace until 5 years after you start, if you are continuing to run. This gave me motivation to get faster, to train hard and push my body. And it is feeling it.

Then on Thursday I went to my first CrossFit session that is run by one of the running group leaders. I was nervous and a little bit unsure on what to expect. I had googled CrossFit and I wasn't sure if I was looking at the right things but went there thinking it'll be fun to do something new. The CrossFit 'Box' is on an industrial estate and is stripped back with no mirrors, very simplistic, all about the workout.

The session was explained to me and it literally went over my head and I was just hoping I would pick it up as we went along, and I did. It was a really tough session and it pushed my body to limits that I haven't pushed it to before but it felt good. I have never been a push up person and I honestly thought I couldn't do a push up but on Thursday night I did over 125!! 

We started the session with a warm up then some exercises, one including jumping up to a bar and then pulling my knees up to my chest. When I was asked to jump up to the bar I thought I wouldn't be able to do it and that if I tried I would make a right idiot out of myself but I tried, and did it. After this we did some snatch exercises which killed my legs and then it was onto the tough bit, a 300m run and 25 push ups - 5 times for 25 minutes. So we had to get the run and push ups into that 5 minutes and the remainder of the 5 minutes was rest until you start again. The first one was tough because as I said I thought I didn't do push ups. The second was worse and then the third I thought I would never get through, my arms felt like jelly and they burnt. The time to recover was getting less but by the time I had done 4 and 5 it felt good. It was so incredibly tough and I felt like my body was falling apart but I was pushing myself in a good way and I loved it. I was getting a feeling of accomplishment so that kept me going, I didn't want to fail.

Now the day after I couldn't lift my arms above my head and my core muscles in my stomach ached every time I got up from a chair, but what my body did that night amazes me. Now only 2 years ago I did no exercise, I would walk to the supermarket which was 10 minutes away and then I sometimes drove it. And now I am doing things I never thought I could do.

It's addictive as you want to do more and see what more you body can do, so I will continue and I will push and I am hoping to get the best out of my body that I can. I don't know if we will have any more children so I am going to work on myself now, and the time I get running and at these classes is about me and I feel like I am getting a little of myself back. 

I owe a huge thank you to my husband for that as he comes in from work and I walk straight out the door to work out and he doesn't mind. And even if he does mind he doesn't let me know, so he is amazing for letting me get some of myself back and for letting me see what my body can do. 

Run Jump Scrap!
Reflections From Me
Accidental Hipster Mum


  1. I do Les Mills workouts, which are similar to CrossFit and my body misses it when I can't go. Good for you!! #TwinklyTuesday

  2. A great post and as you probably
    know I'm a fitness nut too! #bestandworst

  3. A great post and as you probably
    know I'm a fitness nut too! #bestandworst

  4. I think you're such an inspiration! I used to do metafit and bootcamp workouts, and did Zuma for 5 years and through 2 pregnancies. I loved it and like you I was addicted to the way it made me feel. Sadly my instructor changed jobs while I was waiting to have my littlest one, and I've yet to pluck up the courage to go and find another instructor. I keep telling myself that I just don't have time but I really do need to get my finger out! Xx

  5. Brilliant not sure I could do 10 push-ups lol well done thanks for linking to the #binkylinky

  6. I love this as I'm so jealous!! Having to workout carefully at the mo! Good on you Hun. I ached after pump at the weekend and it's such a good feeling :-) looking forward to the muscle photos hehe xx #binkylinky

  7. I try and do the local 10k run every year but never increase my pace given very little training opportunities...one day! Would love to give CrossFit a go, I've been hearing so many good things about it. Go Girl!! #justanotherlinky

  8. That's so brilliant. I don't know if I could do that many push ups though, I really do need to up my game. I wish I could go running everyday I have to work it around the husband and his shifts. I think I need to get a treadmill for our home. You are doing so great and keep up with all your hard work!!! #JustAnotherLinky

  9. Wow you go girl!!! I am absolutely dying to get my running shoes back on and hit the road and I feel inspired to do so now! I love HIIT and tried to get back to it when my little boy was about 6 weeks old but it was making me sleep so heavily I couldn't wake up properly to feed him in the night. He is 15 weeks now so I am hoping my body can take it a bit easier now. Linking up for #justanotherlinky xx

  10. Oh you've made me feel guilty ha ha! I have done a bit of running and that's all since Josh was born! I have never tried HIIT but may have to try - I want to get a bit fitter!!! xx #justanotherlinky

  11. Great post, I love all things fitness!


  12. You've done so well! I really admire your motivation! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  13. Anyone who runs for fun as a mum is an inspiration! I need to try it out x Sunita

  14. I completely relate to this! I have never been a runner (I don't think I even did it when I was a kid) but running has been a life line for me this winter. I am in my late forties and started suffering from Seasonal Affective Disorder plus I'm probably heading for the menopause (oh great!!). My kids are all teens and tweens so I have no excuse not to get out there. A friend suggested the NHS app - Couch to 5K and I totally love it. It has taken me 5 months to get to week 5 of the app but who cares?! I know I am improving and running/walking 3 times a week has made me feel so much more positive. I will get to week nine - I'm just not sure when. Thanks for posting. :) #justanotherlinky

  15. this is really inspiring! I've been getting into veg out mode recently as I just feel so exahusted, but reading this is making me feel like it's time to get motivated, thank you. #justanotherlinky

  16. Good for you Kirsty, it takes some determination for sure but you are doing amazingly. Thanks for linking up! #bestandworst

  17. I'm 58 and started running at 50 with my first marathon at 55. I train with a PT twice a week and run twice a week. I love the feeling after a good session. Yes, I might feel sore but it is a good soreness if you get what I mean l:) keep up the good work. #mg

  18. wow! your doing amazing! 125 push ups!! my arms ache just thinking about doing that many lol - well done you! I've just started working out again.. its bloody tough! Not managed running yet.. I'm going to hold off on that for a while yet :) #mg

  19. I need to look into cross fit and get back into running. I think running is brilliant. I ran my first hilly 10k race last year and it was hard but I loved it #MG

  20. My friend does crossfire and swears by it too, she feels amazing. You are doing amazing, good on you looking after yourself! #mg thanks for linking up lovely x

  21. You have brilliant motivation! I've started cize and I love that achey feeling after a good workout. Keep up the fab work, because you enjoy it so much you'll keep pushing your body to achieving better fitness goals x

  22. Way to go and awesome way to care for yourself!! #HobbyMums



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