Friday 12 February 2016

Misjudging Situations

I am brimming with pride as I write this because of what my two boys did today. Because of their innocence at being just 2 and 4, they helped someone out with the simplest of tasks. To my two year old I think it was a game but I honestly believe that my 4 year old did it as he knew he was helping someone. What they did was help a lady load her shopping up to the counter from her trolley. They started to do this as I was paying for our shopping and when I turned around the first thing I said was 'Stop it boys' because I hadn't seen the whole scenario play out from the beginning. And that now makes me feel bad because my first though was that they were doing something naughty.

Yes they are monsters at times but I can't blame my thinking on that, I honestly believe it is down to the society we live in. We live in the day and age that some people can get funny at the offer of help, where people can get annoyed at a child crying in a supermarket and where we are constantly thinking about what others are thinking of us.

When I finally realised that they were helping, after the kind lady had smiled and said 'it's ok' my heart could have burst. With pride, with love and with knowing these two boys were all mine. And that I had brought them up and the guidance from my husband, myself and our families have made them the boys they are today. The smiles on their faces as we said goodbye to the lady and the cashier can only be described as beaming as I was saying well done to them and telling them how kind they had been.

I can't be the only one that their first thought when it comes to something their child is doing is negative? I am ashamed to say it has happened to me more than a couple of times, one time being when Finley was messing with the remote control I thought he was just flicking through the channels for fun. When I asked him to stop he told me he was looking for a television programme Noah had asked for. 

I am too quick to jump to conclusions and I don't stop to look at the situation before I criticise. The boys act today has really made me think on how I need to approach situations and how I need to stop thinking of the negatives and start being a little more positive.
A Cornish Mum
Binky Linky
Mami 2 Five
Pink Pear Bear
Super Busy MUm


  1. It's so easy to assume your little ones are up to no good isn't it!
    But seriously, how thoughtful are they for helping that lady! You are clearly raising amazing children :) #BinkyLinky

  2. This is lovely and proves what an amazing little boys you have a what a fab job you are doing! I know what you mean sometimes we forget about their kind little hearts xx #binkylinky

  3. How lovely of them! I can be guilty of this too - sometimes my daughter will be helping her little brother and I criticise before I see the whole picture, easily done I suppose! #PicknMix

  4. You must be so proud of them! What a lovely thing to do! x

  5. This is such an honest post, and I think that i tis natural to be thinking about the cheeky things that our kids could be doing! #justanotherlinky

  6. How wonderful that your boys did that, you have every right to feel proud of them. I think I am also very quick to jump n my boys when we are out and about. I think it is a throw back to my own upbringing. My parents drummed it into us that we had to be well behaved in front of others, it was a bit keeping up appearances. I try to be more relaxed but sometimes it creeps back in, mostly in restaurants or cafes where I am very conscious of how they are behaving. I'm going to remember this next time, thanks

  7. That's a lovely thing that your boys did, I can understand why you're so proud of them - and they probably made the other shopper's day! I think too many of us, as adults, are too 'shy' to put our neck out when we think someone may need a bit of a hand, and hang back till asked. It would be nice if we were all so eager to jump in :)

  8. Ah bless them, that's so sweet, I would have jumped to the same assumption of naughtiness with my two too xx #justanotherlinky

  9. Ahhh! How sweet of them and at such a young age! I've also got a 2 year old and a 4 year old and I totally agree with you that I'm too quick to judge and assume that they're always up to no good. This has made me think and I'm going to try not to jump to conclusions so quickly in future! Thanks for hosting. #Justanotherlinky.

  10. Ah! How sweet are they. Love that picture, they look so comfortable helping the lady. I have two little terrors too but sometimes they remind how sweet they are when they help others. X

  11. Awww that's lovely that they helped her. I know what you mean about assuming they are up to no good but don't be too hard on yourself! You must be doing something right to raise boys who would be so kind :) #justanotherlinky

  12. Awwww that's so sweet! I love that you got a picture too, as it was so nice of them. #justanotherlinky

  13. Awww that is so lovely, you must have been so proud and I bet the lady loved it too :-) #justanotherlinky

  14. Sounds like you've done a marvellous job with your boys. I hope to raise my son with the same values and principles as this.
    Great post

  15. Ah that's so nice of them to help. Like you I often assume the worst of a situation but am often surprised when they explain what is happening. #justanotherlinky

  16. Aww, that's so sweet! Kids can surprise us sometimes. #justanotherlinky

  17. Love it that you actually too a photo too! #justanotherlinky

  18. What lovely boys you have, you must be very proud :) I bet they made that lady's day too. Thanks for hosting #justanotherlinky

  19. That is just too cute! What lovely boys you have. #justanotherlinky

  20. Awwww that's so sweet, sometimes it's easy to jump to conclusions especially with toddlers! My mummy is the same with me ;) Well done boys - you should be proud! #BinkyLinky #justanotherlinky x

  21. This is so lovely ! Well done boys - well done you! #picknmix

  22. Oh bless them, so cute! I have to admit I am quick to assume Alfie is up to no good when at times he is being an angel haha. Thanks for hosting #justanotherlinky

  23. my daughter is very talkative and "helpful" while out also. It can be embarrassing sometimes as I worry that she is bothering people. The truth is that oftentimes she really is up to something that she shouldn't be, so its easy to jump to these conclusions. Nice to have these proud moments every once in a while though

  24. Your little ones are so cute! There is no way others should ever consider their help as a nuisance, but I know that I have worried about whether my daughter is bothering others while out shopping. Thanks for the little reminder to always be on our children's side, and to trust that all our parenting struggles are worthwhile in the end. #justanotherlinky

  25. Aw. Such a lovely picture and a really lovely deed. I bet your boys have made that lady's day. You are right to be so very proud, but yes, I'm also the first to assume that my Tots are up to no good haha.

    Thank you for sharing and hosting.
    Dawn x

  26. Aw this is the sweetest story, I totally understand why you feel so proud. Well done boys X
    Blogging at Boo & Maddie X

  27. Back again! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  28. I saw this before you must be so proud of your boys thanks for linking to the Binkylinky

  29. Ah that's lovely. What thoughtful little boys. :)

  30. How lovely of them! I have also done this to my eldest - told her to stop something because I have thought she was being naughty, only to realise she was being very good. Made me feel awful too! #picknmix

  31. oh how sweet, aren't they precious! I don't think you have any reason to be critical to yourself about as clearly you are a fantastic mother and role model if they are doing things like this! Be proud of them and you xx

  32. I love this. I am also very quick to judge situations when it comes to my kids, for fear they may be doing something untoward which could potentially cause upset or, heaven forbid, make me look like a bad mummy. I am so glad that you felt pride in their actions, because that is exactly what you should feel, you created those tiny humans and made them what they are, great mummy! #justanotherlinky

  33. Love this, you must be porud X #justanotherlinky

  34. Please ease up on yourself. 1. You have brought up amazing generous children 2. Their efforts were appreciated. 3. You are human and allowed to get things wrong sometimes 4. You are learning all the time like the rest of us. Lovely memory to treasure - focus on that

  35. That is so lovely. I hope my little boy is so well mannered when he is a little bit bigger. You must be really proud of them #justanotherlinky

  36. Bless them, what lovely boys you have! #justanotherlinky

  37. I am always guilty of thinking the worst! How lovely that they must feel such a proud mummy xx #justanotherlinky

  38. just adorable! he will make the most perfect gentleman! Looks like you're doing a grand job of raising him to be which is really what every mummy can hope for #twinklytuesday

  39. Aah bless them for helping! You must have felt so proud when you realised they weren't up to mischief :) #TwinklyTuesday

  40. Such a lovely act of kindness from your boys :) and im totally with you, i always jump in when i think phoebe is about to bash the babies at playgroups..when in fact she was giving them a rattle :) super cute moments #TwinklyTuesday x

  41. Aww this is a lovely heart warming post.. takes something so simple to make all the bad times just wash away #justanotherlinky xx

  42. Ahhh how lovely. I am also too quick too jump down my little ones necks, but people can be so funny, I never know how they are going to take it! #MMWBH X

  43. Aw what sweeties they are! So cute of them to help, and I would've been proud too. I always am when my two hold doors open for people or just automatically help by picking something up for someone etc :)
    Thanks for linking up to #Picknmix
    Stevie x

  44. Aw what sweeties they are! So cute of them to help, and I would've been proud too. I always am when my two hold doors open for people or just automatically help by picking something up for someone etc :)
    Thanks for linking up to #Picknmix
    Stevie x

  45. Och, we've all done it, misjudging situations. What a sweet thing for you kids to do 'though. #MMWBH

  46. This is such a lovely post. What wonderful boys you have. Helping that lady is the kindest thing. I often jump to conclusions with Little Miss H too. I think it is easier to assume the worst. But I really need to breathe and look at the full situation rather than jumping to conclusions. Thanks for linking up to Sunday Stars. Hugs Lucy xxxx

  47. I think every mother feels your pain. We are quick to judge kids before knowing what they are truly up to, but the reward of goodness in the end is a joy! Don't be so hard on yourself. Like you said, society has us feeling this way. ~Lowanda of Sunshine and Elephants

  48. Oh what a lovely little post and your boys sound adorable. I'm exactly the same as you though - always jumping to the wrong and almost always, negative conclusion. We underestimate the kindness and generosity of our children sometimes, but we are just used to the normal times, where as you say, invariably we've been started at too many times to count, when they've been misbehaving or being loud. It's so lovely that they constantly surprise us. Thanks so much for linking up with #SundayStars Steph xx

  49. AH!! Bless them, what wonderful boys you have. We are so quick to think the worst in these situations aren't we?! Great little post. #SundayStars Star post of the week xxx



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