Monday, 22 February 2016

We Are A Team

When it comes to a marriage, well any type of relationship, you have to be a team player. The relationship isn't going to last in my eyes if it is all one sided and your doing it all on your own with onlookers. Yes my husband and I have our arguments about the washing up and the hoovering but when it comes to the big things we stand together.

This last week has been a pretty tough one with my husband having a chest infection, our eldest having tonsillitis and then me coming down with the worst virus I have ever had. Now as I wrote in my post the middle of last week, there really is no stopping when you have children. You have to carry on because they need feeding, looking after and loving just as if you were well, that is what a parent does.

Now normally I would be saying my husband is a terrible ill person, because he will moan about any ailment he has and will google everything, and I mean everything! But this week with us both being poorly we have pulled together. And I would say he has held up the family while I have been mopping about the place. I am terrible at being poorly.

We have our family's but they aren't close enough to call on to watch the boys for us, and the fact that Finley was also poorly we didn't want to pass anything onto them. So we were confined to the 4 walls of our house, just the 4 of us in our little bubble. We did pop out a few times for doctors visits and to get milk, but if anyone had seen us they would have ran a mile, we looked absolutely awful. We spent the whole week in our pyjamas and didn't do much else than move from the sofa to the kitchen and then back again. Energy levels were at an all time low.

But we had each other. As my husband had a chest infection he didn't go into the office and worked from home. If he hadn't done this I do not know what I would have done. I was in no state to look after myself, let alone parent our two boys. So we shared the jobs. I made the boys their food and gave them lots of cuddles while my husband did the washing up and generally did most of the parenting. Yes they ran riot a lot of the time but we coped well I think.

When I went to the doctors on Friday afternoon he recognised me from the day before when I had taken Finley in about his throat and I had said he had also seen my husband about his chest infection. He told me I just had a rotten virus and that I would be feeling rubbish for a few more days yet and was their anyone we could call on? My answer was no as we didn't want to make anyone else ill. When he asked if we had any other children I said we did and when I told him he was 2 he replied with, so he can't do the cooking then! I told him that the husband and I were tag teaming and getting through the best we could.

We pulled together in our hour of need and we made each other hot lemon and honeys when we needed them. These are the times you realise that you are part of a team and I am certainly lucky to be part of a bloody good one!

Marvellous Mondays badge by Hello Archie
Pink Pear Bear
Run Jump Scrap!
Cuddle Fairy
Binky Linky
A Cornish Mum


  1. Ohhh goodness - I hate times like those. We are exaclty the same - no one nearby - and as we are both teachers in different schools we pick up everything. Then add a 3yo and a 1yo at nursery in the mix and someone is always ill. We are a team though, and get through it together, like you :) #bigpinklink

  2. I hope everyone is feeling better. It sucks being sick especially when the whole house is ill. Hope your 2 year old doesn't catch it. Glad to know you are part of a loving a supportive team! :) #TwinklyTuesday ~Lowanda

  3. Aw so lovely to read. Not that you guys were so I'll obviously but that you pulled together and supported each other as sadly I keep hearing about couples lately who do the exact opposite. I hope you all feel better now! Xx

  4. Aw so lovely to read. Not that you guys were so I'll obviously but that you pulled together and supported each other as sadly I keep hearing about couples lately who do the exact opposite. I hope you all feel better now! Xx

  5. Sounds like your household got hit with the same ugly bug our house did. Started with my teenager and by the time it got to me I literally couldn't get out of bed except to pee for an entire day. Luckily hubby was off work that day and was fine because otherwise my 6 year old would have been in charge. And here I am almost a week later and it is still hanging on but has subsided to my sinuses which I can handle. Hope everyone is better. I am visiting from #bigpinklink.

  6. I hope you are all much better, it truly is horrible when the family is sick. I am glad you have such a strong bond it is lovely to read that you had such great support. Sending love, wish I could send some homemade soup! #mg

  7. I hope you're all over your various ailments now! It must be terrible when you're all sick with different things at the same time, at least when you all have the same thing it seems to take a while to get around the whole family. Well done on giving each other a helping hand taking care of each other :)

  8. oh my word, you have been through it, I hope you are are all on the mend. It is a nightmare when everyone gets ill together and patience run low. I think you sound like a great team though and it is reassuring to know that when the chips are down, you can rely on each other. Take care xx #mg

  9. Awwww! That's so lovely. We've all been sick this week too! It's so tough without family close by to help out isn't it?! But you're right, it is times like these that make you realise what a good team you are. #bestandworst

  10. Awwww it absolutely sucks when the whole house is ill it really does. Hope you are all feeling lots better and thanks for linking up #bestandworst

  11. How rubbish that you both got ill at the same time but at least you pulled together! Being ill is one of the worst experiences I've had in motherhood because you simply can't just BE ill when there are little one's to look after so having you both there must've been a huge help. Thanks for linking up to #MarvMondays! Kaye xo

  12. Sorry to hear you've had a rubbish week, but it's good to read that you and hubby have each other. It sounds like you're a good team. Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  13. This was such a lovely post to read, not because you were all so ill but the fact that you both appreciate each other and work great as a team. My husband and I are they same as you and your husband - a great tag team. #BinkyLinky

  14. We've not had a dual illness yet, touch wood! I hope we would cope as well as you did! #binkylinky

  15. Hope you are all feeling better great lesson there that we must all pull together thanks for linking to the Binkylinky

  16. Sounds like you really pulled together, and it made things easier for both of you. Hope you're all feeling better now. #binkylinky

  17. That sounds like one hell of a virus. I honestly don't know how marriages with the woman doing all the work even survive. Good job on the teamwork #MarvMondays #BigPinkLinky #CoolMumClub #BloggerClubUK

  18. You are telling my story here - what a rotten flu this year! We had it go through all of us too, picked us off one after the other. It went on for a full three weeks. It's great that you & your husband are such a terrific team & help each other out. We were the same - we didn't want anyone else to get sick so we powered through ourselves. Thanks so much for sharing with blogger club uk x

  19. I did see on Facebook you were all feeling awful, bless you lovely its awful when you are ill and still have to look after little ones! I get very pathetic when ill lol, though I still end up having to do everything ;)
    Thanks for linking up to #PicknMix and I hope you're all 100% better now!

    Stevie x



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