Thursday, 18 February 2016

The World Doesn't Stop Around Us

I thought we were all doing so well, I was pretty smug even. We have had a few colds hit us over the last few months but nothing major and our day to day life hasn't been hit by any illnesses. Until half term came this week.

I had so many plans for us from seeing friends to days out and I was really excited about having some proper time with the boys without having to juggle our time around preschool. We did have a lovely day on Monday with our best friends and the boys had so much fun at a playgroup and then lunch at their house. I put the boys to bed on Monday night with them both very excited for our plans the next day to see friends that we don't often catch up with due to her children being at school.

Monday night was awful. Finley was up most of the night crying saying his throat hurt, I just knew he was coming down with something. Tuesday morning came and he slept in until 7.45am which is very unlike him. He refused his breakfast and then went to lie on the sofa. That is where he spent the rest of the day. We had to cancel on my friend as I didn't want to pass anything onto her children and also I don't think Finley was up to it. My husband came home at lunchtime saying he felt poorly, which he must have been to come home from work, and he made his way up to bed. Tuesday was a total write off and even after an afternoon nap, Finley went off to bed at 7.30pm without a fight.

As Tuesday evening was getting on I could feel my throat starting to hurt and not feeling 100%. I went to bed early hoping to sleep it off but I think I saw every hour with either myself coughing, my husband coughing or Finley crying. Not a great night.

Wednesday morning came and I felt absolutely terrible. My head was banging and my throat felt like I was swallowing razer blades. Finley woke up, late again, but seemed a lot better which was a plus as I wasn't too sure how I was going to look after us all feeling like I did. My husband stayed in bed while I got up with the boys, as he was much worse than me, made them breakfast and after our online shopping delivery and a shower I plonked myself on the sofa. By lunchtime Finley wasn't feeling great again and didn't eat his lunch. Come 3'o'clock and all 4 of us were asleep for a good 2 hours, just what we all needed. Finley woke up feeling worse and saying his mouth hurt and didn't eat his tea. This is very unlike Finley as he loves his food. The only good thing that was happening was that Noah was ok and on top form.

It was a tough day as even though I was feeling pretty rubbish I couldn't stop. I still had to make breakfast, lunch and tea. I still had to help them on the toilet. I still had to get them whatever it was that they wanted. I still had to stay awake when they were awake, when all I wanted to do was sleep. I couldn't get into bed, shut out the world and sleep off whatever bug that had taken over me. I ached all over but I still had to get up and down off the sofa to their every need. 

I wanted my Mum and I wished she lived closer. I can't remember the last time I felt like this but I think it was about 4 years ago and my Mum had actually taken the day off to come and look after me and Finley. But I couldn't and wasn't going to ask her to do that. 

When looking through Facebook and Twitter the world was still moving and everyone's life was still going on around us. People were enjoying the park with their children, they were enjoying days out with friends and posting photos of days their days. It made me realise that even when our house is condemned by sickness the world carries on around us. And I honestly felt a little lonely.

We will be back there in a few days, but until then we are going to sit curled up on the sofa feeling sorry for ourselves.

Brilliant blog posts on
Binky Linky
Life with Baby Kicks
A Cornish Mum


  1. Oh no! I hope you all feel better soon.
    It's awful being poorly especially when you have plans....

  2. Oh bless you all! I was unwell with a big cold last week and still had to do everyting too! It's a pain but things have to be done don't they! Hope youre all better soon xxx

  3. *hugs* Hope you're all feeling better! I find I'm always ill when I'm off work - it's like fate knows... :) x #effitfriday

  4. Aww no, I hope you all feel better soon. Being ill just isn't the same when you have kids, you can't just go and hide in bed until you feel better can you? I hope you can reschedule all your plans to see friends soon.xx #picknmix

  5. This sounds like a very similar thing that Lexie and I had a few weeks ago. The worst sore throat I've ever had! Hope you are all on the mend soon, it's horrible when little ones are poorly and even harder when you are poorly too! #BinkyLinky

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hope you're all feeling better soon. It takes about a month for a cold to leave our house once it's gone round everyone and disrupted the routines.

  8. Oh no let's hope that you feel better soon. It's hard when your little ones are ill and even harder when you are too. Poor you! #justanotherlinky

  9. Oh no let's hope that you feel better soon. It's hard when your little ones are ill and even harder when you are too. Poor you! #justanotherlinky

  10. Hope you are all feeling a lot better. It is awful when you are sick too and have to keep going. The mummy super strength takes over I think. I always look back and think how did I do that?!

  11. I've never hated illness so much since having children! It's awful seeing them unwell and then we don't even get to rest when we catch it! Always at the most inconvenient times too. Hope you're all much better. #justanotherlinky

  12. That sounds like a tough week. I hope you all get better soon to carry on as you were. There's nothing worse than when every family member gets I'll and mums job still needs to continue. Fingers crossed for a speedy recovery

  13. My mummy could have written this post! It sounds like we've both been through the wars this week. I was up at A&E with Vomitting due to tonsillitis temperatures and we've both been bedridden since Tuesday with a chest infection too and on AntiBs. It's horrible to watch everyone else have a good time while you're stuck in bed. Hope you are all fighting fit soon! #JustAnotherLinky

  14. I'm so sorry that you've had a wipe out week lovely. These things always creep up on you don't they - more often than not when you're on holiday and have lots planned! Hope you're all feeling much better soon xx Thanks for hosting still! #justanotherlinky

  15. Hi Kirsty, I hope you all start feeling better soon. One of the worst things about being a Mum is that we have to soldier on despite how ill we may feel and it's hard. As they get older it does get easier and illnesses happen less often (just tempted fate there!). When mine were small and we were all ill, I would do as you have done, get the important things done and retire to the sofa to watch films with the children.


  16. Awwh, it's horrible. Usually I'm either the only one without or the only without whatever it is and everything can still sort of function like that. Once it's everyone the house comes to a stand still.. the washing piles up so bad xxx

  17. Oh poor you it's so awful when you're all ill and you have to carry on but just want to go to bed. I know exactly how you feel because in the last half term in October all of us had tonsilitis. It's hard to see everyone else going out and having fun, it really brings you down. All you can do is give in to blankets under the sofa and TV. Hope you feel better soon. X #JustAnotherLinky

  18. Oh the job of a mom never can go on break...even for a little while. I hope you get better soon. #justanotherlinky

  19. We've had illness in the house for three weeks now - hope you're all feeling better soon! #justanotherlinky

  20. There seems to be a lot of this going around at the moment. Hope everybody feels better soon

  21. Oh what a shame! I find it very common nowadays, my husband is also suffering with it at the moment, finger crossed he won't pass it on to us. Hope you'll be able to catch with your friends again when all feels better! #justanotherlinky

  22. Ah, I am so sorry to hear you have all been so ill, there is so much going around at the moment, we seem to keep passing it between ourselves too. Hope you all feel better soon #justanotherlinky xx

  23. Oh no! It's awful being ill, especially at half term. Hope you're all feeling better soon. #justanotherlinky

  24. I'm so sorry to hear of that all were ill at the same time, when one of us gets sick, I know it's a matter of time for all of us to get, fortunately, we've avoided all getting sick at the same time, truly awful and lonely feeling it is! It is so hard to care for the kids when you're sick, too... hope you and the family are better soon! Jeff #linkyblinky

  25. Aw hope you are all starting to feel better. We have had a similar week, I have had sinusitis and Sam came down with a tummy bug last night...I am not looking forward to the week ahead! #justanotherlinky xx

  26. Ugh - feel better! Us mums don't get a break, even when we're poorly! #justanotherlinky

  27. Erghh isn't it sooo rubbish, we have all been full of illness here and I know what you mean about feeling a bit lonely when you feel stuck in the house. Hope you all feel better soon. Thanks for hosting #justanotherlinky

  28. Hope you all feel better soon thanks for linking to the Binkylinky

  29. Hope you are feeling
    Better Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinkyx

  30. Oh wow what a week! I hope you are all starting to feel better now :) #justanotherlinky

  31. Oh no - I hope you feel better now, all of you! It's horrible when you have to keep ploughing on despite just wanting to lie on the floor and sleep it off. Especially rubbish when you ruin lovely plans, it's bad enough ruining normal days #effitfriday

  32. It's so hard not having sick days as a parent. I do my best to encourage lots of CBeebies when I'm poorly, but usually my toddler will be having none of it! Hope you're all feeling better now xx

  33. I hope you are all feeling better now. It's horrible being ill as a Mummy you don't get to go to bed. Thanks for linking to #PickNMix

  34. Argh!! Being ill is frustrating at the best of times but when you have things planned an have been looking forward to some family time it doesn't feel fair. Especially when you can see everyone else enjoying themselves. Hope you all all feeling better now xx #Justanotherlinky

  35. Poor things. I can totally understand that its times like that when all you want is your mum. Mine lives 150 miles away but I remember when I was really poorly during my second pregnancy and I had phoned her in tears one Saturday night, I was sooooo overwhelmed when the doorbell rang at 8am the next morning and there she was. She packed me off to bed and took care of Richard and Beth ane me! #Justanotherlinky



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