Tuesday, 30 June 2015

First Day Of Our Holiday

I have been looking forward to this holiday for so long! We have been so busy with preparing the house for putting it on the market, my husband working long hours and just general day to day stuff getting in the way. So we were well in need of some family time.

This time I have been a lot less stressed about the whole packing malarkey. Usually a week before we are due to go away I am stressing about what we need to take and making sure nothing is worn that is going to be taken on holiday. But this time, I have been pretty chilled. I even left all of the to do’s and things to buy until Sunday, and we were leaving Monday!! I did make a list, but that was late on Saturday night and only looked at it before we left on Monday. The fact I wasn’t stressed worried me a little but I think with the boys being older, if we forget something it doesn’t really matter as it would be easy to buy if we needed and I think really we could get by without whatever it was.

So the car was packed, stress free, this morning and off we went. We have taken two cars as we wanted to bring the bikes and we were a little worried my cars suspension wouldn’t take them and the roof rake, so we played it safe. We set off and I was chilled and very excited for our week away.
Then half an hour into the journey it started. ‘Are we there yet?!’ seriously – Finley is 3, and then Noah copied him. It was then repeated with ‘Are we are holiday yet?’ and ‘Where is daddy?’. These were all questions that got repeated by my youngest so it was like having a parrot in the car.
Thankfully Noah decided to take a nap and quickly followed by Finley. I then had to stop and meet Mark as I was desperate for a drink and a wee. I was hoping they would stay asleep but no such luck. But we did enjoy a Costa with the hubby at the services before getting on the road.

Then my satnav took me in the wrong direction!! Then it didn’t tell me for 5 minutes that we were heading in the wrong direction. And the whole time the boys were asking questions and Noah was getting annoyed that he had taken his shoe off, yes that’s right, he had taken his shoe off lol!
Back on the road and they were now getting bored. I can’t blame them really as 2 ½ hours in a car is a long time for a nearly 2 and nearly 4 year old!
Finally we arrived at our destination but couldn’t get into our accommodation for 4 hours!!!!

Luckily there was plenty to do, but first we needed lunch. Well anyone with toddlers knows that eating out is pretty stressful and with no highchairs as we thought we would be clever is was pretty stressful. And they were tired and then my hubby announced he had left his wedding ring on top of the car, as he had taken it off while putting sun cream on the boys!

Wedding ring found and order resorted with a trip to the park we headed to the soft play so we could have a cuppa and a sit down. This was stress free and lovely. The boys had a ball and played lovely together.

Once finally able to get into our accommodation we unpacked and headed out with two hungry and tired boys to see a big, furry, dressed up human as a bee. They loved it and they held hands watching the buzzy bee. Noah even stood away from us which is a huge thing as he is normally really shy. They had the best time running around playing a game they didn’t quite understand but still had a blast. But when we went to leave they were two very unhappy toddlers. And in the supermarket while choosing tea, they had a few raised voices and if I’m honest they just wanted their bed.

Once again, order restored with two hungry toddlers fed and some time playing football with Daddy, it was onto bath time. Our home for the week has no bath, just a shower. Cue the tears as they don’t really like showers. After this trauma was over, for me, they were tucked up in bed, waiting for milk and ready for their bedtime story.
After a few getting out of bed for a cuddle, kiss and thirst they finally went to sleep with the promise of a walk to the bakery in the morning for a cake for breakfast, it is our holiday after all.
I have a feeling tomorrow will be better as we have loads planned and there is no traveling involved.

Bring on the rest of the holiday!



  1. Ah hope the rest of your holiday improves. It is hard when you have two tired little ones after lots of travelling plus having to wait to get into your accommodation too. Love the photo of your boys holding hands whilst watching the buzzy bee. Hope you have a wonderful time throughout the rest of your holiday :-)

  2. I am sure you will love Bluestone, we had such a good time. Thank god you found the ring! Lovely pictures. Thanks for linking up to #PointShoot x

  3. Sorry there were so many challenges! I once had my GPS take me so far out of my way that it added 4 hours to what should have been a 10 hour drive. Thanks for linking with #TwinklyTuesday.



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