Thursday 4 June 2015

My Captured Moment #20

We are very lucky to have a local Arboretums that we are members of as you would know from some of my previous posts. It is also a great place to take photos. I have been hinting to my husband that I would love a DSLR camera as I take some lovely photos of the boys but they are all on my iPhone. I think I would get a lot more creative if I have a proper camera.
When I saw this tree trunk in the grass my first thought was photo! I don't know how professional photographers work with children as they never seem to do as I would like them to, haha! But when I was going through the million and one photos that I took of this actual moment of the boys sat on the log there was this one.
Finley has is arm around Noah and to me the bond between them jumps out of this photo. You can see the protectiveness Finley has over Noah and Noah is very happy to have his brother look after him.
These two fight. ALL the time, but these rare moments where they show their true feelings for each other is so special.


Running in Lavender


  1. Super cute photo! I know what you mean about how hard it can be to get decent pics - kids are so hard to photograph sometimes! xx #mycapturedmoment

    1. Thank you :-) these two are a nightmare but when I get a good photo it's a really nice one xx

  2. Oh a beautiful picture and well done for capturing it, it can be difficult . I am hinting for a proper camera too, I think I might be out of luck though x

  3. Haha I know what you mean, I always take hundreds of photos just to get the one amazing photo! I love the one you have chosen. We just discovered an Arboretum in Langley Park this year - I didn't realise there were others! Must get discovering :) #mycapturedmoment Sabrina xx

    1. We go here at least once a week - great place for the kids to run free. Thank you xx

  4. Such a lovely photo and you are right their love does jump out at you, my two fight like mad to yet they still love each other x

  5. Your boys look like best buddies in this picture and as you say that protective arm speaks volume for the way Finley feels about his little brother. Thank you so much for linking up to #MyCapturedMoment xx

    1. I know they will have each other's backs :-) thank you for hosting xx

  6. Gorgeous photo, they look like firm friends, a lovely moment to capture. I find it hard to get decent shots of my guys together, without them messing around, although often those are my favourite photos as they are so 'them'! #mycapturedmoment



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