Sunday 14 June 2015

The irrational tantrums

As you will know from a previous post, 10 ways to get what you want if you are a toddler or 10 ways to make you look a little bit silly, we are in the midst of the terrible twos and the threenager! It's a pretty stressful time but it does make for good blog posts lol! So I thought I would list a few of our irrational tantrums we have had recently, that now looking back are quite funny, but at the time were god damn awful and I could have cried. I'm now laughing about it so it's not all that bad.

  • Finley wanted his feet measured in Next. They don't do a foot measuring service so I had to say no. This then brought on stamping, screaming and crying because he wanted his feet measured that minute. And no amount of times me telling him that Next didn't do that and we would go to Clarks the next day would calm him down.

  • After Finley's tantrum we went to Clarks the next day as promised. Finley needed shoes but Noah didn't, which brought on a tantrum from Noah of throwing his shoes off in a temper because he wasn't getting new shoes!

  • I took the wrapper off of Noah's ice cream so he threw it on the floor! And proceeded to cry and refused the ice cream as I retrieved it from the floor (within 10 seconds lol) but when I threaten the bin he wanted it.
  • Finley wanted a drink in the supermarket, I didn't have his drink with me (bad mummy!!) so I said I would buy him one. He screamed, cried and led on the floor!

  • I try to put on Noah's reins, or his shoes, or wellies, or coat, or clean his teeth, or generally anytime I try to do for him around Nana, poor Nana has to do otherwise he shouts and refused to let me do it.
  • Yesterday while out with my father in law we were searching for a café to have lunch in as the boys were hungry. We walked into one but unfortunately they didn't have any seats so we had to walk out. On our way out Noah started to cry and throw himself on the floor because he was 'hungy'. The thing is with a 23 month old they don't understand about no available seats. There really was nothing I could do about it but we managed to resolve the situation by finding a café with space.
  • Also yesterday Finley was so tired from not going to sleep until 9.30pm Friday night and then waking at 5.10am that he got so upset after jumping in a puddle, with his willies on, and getting his trousers a little wet.
These are just the tantrums we have had  in the last week!

These have got to be the most stressful times so far as both boys are testing limits but they also are some of the greatest times as they are so much fun.

Love my little family

You Baby Me Mummy
The Twinkle Diaries
Best of Worst


  1. It's all good fun eh? We had a tantrum because I gave P1 the drink she wanted but then didn't want. But then screamed when I took it away!

    1. Oh dear! They just don't get it when they are having something good! Lol xx

  2. My Noah is still like this and he's turning 4 next month. Do you think there's something in the name?? He's always throwing himself on the floor screaming. Yesterday it was because I suggested we didn't take a Nerf gun to preschool xx #TwinklyTuesday

    1. Oh no!!!!! Lol. these tantrums sound like they come with the name haha xx

  3. Hahaha! I guess it makes sense to them?!
    My son is three. Today we went on a train ride for an appointment. We were out for about two and a half hours, leaving just after lunch. When we arrived, I bought him a chocolate brownie (I had to eat half of it for him, you understand, for quality control purposes) and a 'cup of tea' (glass of hot milk), we went for the appointment, then on the way back he had a juice box and a cereal bar. He announced at the end of the half-hour journey that he needed a snack because he had "never had anything to eat or drink!" I say announced. What he actually did was lie down on the train platform, dangerously close to some pigeon crap.
    You gotta love it!
    Alice x

    1. Oh yes you gotta love tantrums over the most ridiculous things lol xx

  4. You certainly have your work cut out with these two. At least you can look back and laugh but can imagine at the time they were anything but - especially the public meltdowns. They are funny things. My daughter is going through the 'I don't want...' stage which applies for pretty much everything! #bestandworst

    1. Oh yes I do haha! These stages are fab aren't they :'-) xx

  5. haha you made me feel so much better! Had a monster today when I wouldn't let me girl have yoghurt as she didn't eat all her dinner! I particularly love the one about Finley wanting to have his feet measured!!! These little monsters but they are awesome. Thanks so much for linking up to #bestandworst and please pop back next week xx

    1. Haha I'm glad I'm not alone! Thank you for hosting xx

  6. Today I have mostly hid in the kitchen from my two as they have just non stopped screamed at each other, some days tantrums are funny but some days, omg, I need to hide haha! #twinklytuesday x

  7. Oh my god we have tantrums like this almost daily, they are so irrational at times I really never know whether I'm coming or going! Makes you feel like pulling your hair out doesn't it! Thanks for linking up with the #bestandworst hope to see you again next week!

    Helen X

  8. Ah the joys! It's so tough at times but like you say, it's also the best of times. it's a good job they are cute ;) Great post, thanks for linking up to #TheList xx

  9. Ohh the joys. Sam had a melt down the other day because I cut his sandwich into quarters as I always do and he wanted it stuck back together!! #bestandworst xx

  10. Oh no – they just come out of the smallest things don’t they? Last night I was giving Zachary a sticker for being good brushing his teeth, I chose one for him and he burst into tears because I hadn’t shown him which ones and let him pick! I know never to do that again! Hope the tantrums get a little less lovely! Thanks for sharing and thanks so much for linking up with #TwinklyTuesday



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