Saturday 27 June 2015

My Week at a Glance 21/06 - 27/06

I haven't done a My Week at a Glance with Working Mummy and Wife for a while as things have been so busy. But this week I have decided I am going to start it up again as its a great way to round up our week.
Last Sunday we spent the day with at my Mum's house and Finley was doing some fixing after seeing his Grampy using the screw driver to fix a toy, so everything got 'fixed' that day. While at Mum's I took a walk to get Noah to sleep in my bright pink espadrilles which I found in my wardrobe after buying them last year, so comfy! Finley decided that while food shopping with my mum he wanted to 'relax' on the floor of the supermarket.
On Monday I decided to do some decorating, you can read about it here Who Said Women Can't Decorate.
We enjoyed a bike ride/walk on Wednesday early evening after a lunch date meeting some old school friends. We went and visited the ducks and the boys bonded by riding on Finley's bike together. Such a lovely bond to watch grow.
While Finley had preschool on Thursday and Friday, Noah and I had some time at home where Noah enjoyed watching TV led on the floor while playing with his blow up ball, funny child lol.
To end the week Noah tried out his new bike seat that we fitted just in time for our holiday to Bluestones next week and I enjoyed a run, first in 2 weeks and it reminded me why I love running so much.
This week has been a busy one but it has been full of fun and laughter with the boys. I can't wait for our holiday to Wales next week - some much needed family time.


What Katy Said
                    My week at a glance


  1. Sounds like a busy week! Hope you have a great holiday in Wales next week! #happydays

  2. What a busy week! Have a wonderful time in Wales - I'm only a little bit (lot) jealous. :-)

    Thanks for joining #myweekataglance!

  3. Such a busy week. Love those espadrilles, I have been after some for a while! Have a fab time at Bluestone's, it really is great!

  4. What a lovely busy week, bet you're looking forward to the holiday! And how cute are the boys on the bike together!? Thanks for linking up again, i know how busy things can get and how hard it can be to fit in!! #myweekataglance

  5. Enjoy Bluestone it is amazing! We went a few weeks ago :) What a lovely round up of your week xx

  6. Hope you have had a great week in Wales- certainly had good weather! Thanks for joining in #HappyDaysLinky x

  7. Phew, feel knackered just reading that!! :)

    Hope you are having a lovely holiday! You've certainly got the weather for it!!

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx



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