Thursday, 7 May 2015

My Captured Moment #16

This photo was taken a few weeks back when the weather was starting to get a little nicer before it then went back the other way. We are very lucky that my parent in laws live by the beach, you could actually say they lived on the beach with how close they are to it and the view you get when you wake up in the morning in their flat.
The boys and I along with a friend and her little one decided to go and see them with the glorious weather as it was, it's such a great place for the kids to run free and just enjoy the sea air on their gorgeous little faces.
I captured this one as Noah was running along the promenade to go and see Nana in her shop. The boys are at their happiest when they are out in the open air, running and this picture captures that happiness I feel. You can see the spring in Noah's step. It makes him look so tiny but in reality he is getting so big and creeping ever closer to 2 which I really cant believe.
After this photo they enjoyed soft play, ice cream and then a bus ride so all in all I think it was a great day for them. And it was a great day for me to see the smiles plastered on their face all day from sheer happiness of being there.

Running in Lavender


  1. I was given a little bag like that from a friend! Is it the one that you can have a rein on? x

  2. Aww cute. How lovely that your in-laws live right by the seaside and you can visit; fab. #MyCapturedMoment Sammy x

  3. Ah, that's a lovely shot. You can see how happy he is running along x #mycapturedmoment

  4. Aww really cute with his little backpack!! They grow up so quickly don't they? My little one is just starting to take his first steps and I'm sure he'll be running off soon!

    1. Far to quickly, only felt like yesterday that he was a newborn xx

  5. sorry not sure why blogger is pointing to that website, but it's :-)

  6. Awwww!! That is a great picture, I hope his Nana has seen it and can see how keen and excited he is to go and see her. I love the freedom of the beach too, so much space and so many possibilities. A lovely #MyCapturedMoment xx

  7. My little boy is the same. He loves being outdoors! :) x

  8. You really can see the spring in his step can't you? Lovely moment to capture! #MyCapturedMoment x

  9. You really have captured something special in this picture. Even though, he's not looking you can tell that your boy is carefree and full of joy! How lucky that you get to holiday by the sea whenever you like! Thanks so much for linking up to My Captured Moment xxx



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