Tuesday 12 May 2015

It's only a pushchair - right??

It's only a pushchair I keep telling myself. It's an item and not a person. And I really should not have such strong feelings about selling it, but I do!!

I always wanted an iCandy. They looked so shiny and beautiful (haha I can hear you laughing at me already). But so so expensive. I didn't even contemplate one when I was pregnant with Finley. I chose a Quinny Buzz and loved it! The only reason I had to change pushchairs was that I needed a double.
I started with a second hand Phil & ted but it wasn't for me. Finley would have hated sitting at the bottom as I wanted a pushchair that I could put the car seat on with ease and not waking the baby (now Noah). Then I swapped it for an iCandy pear but this again wasn't for me. Finley was too tall for it and I just didn't really like it, even if it was an iCandy. I searched and searched and finally found it. My iCandy peach blossom in tomato. It was on eBay, I won it and I was so incredibly excited.

Since the day it arrived it has transformed my life with the two kidlets. It worked with a toddler and tiny baby, then toddler and growing baby and finally toddler and pre schooler. I haven't used it as a double for the boys for a long time now but it's can be a double if I ever needed it to be. I walk lots and as the boys grow, it's getting heavier. Normally Noah is in the pushchair while Finley is on the buggy board. Its getting harder to steer with one hand while holding Finley's when he is walking. And with Noah nearly 2 we need something smaller, lighter and just easier as life moves on and the boys grow up.
With the weather starting to get a bit better we are having days out where Finley likes to use the bike and the only way for it to fit in the car along with a pushchair is if we get a buggy and sell my iCandy.

But this makes me feel anxious and I feel so stupid because if it. I've chosen the buggy I would like to replace it, a Maclaren Techno XT, and I have taken pictures of the iCandy ready to sell. I just haven't committed fully to hitting the sell button.

It will mean Noah is no longer a baby. Which I know he isn't but I seem to be holding onto that last piece of baby unable to let go.

But I need to as it's just a pushchair!
But I love it! And I love everything it represents and every memory we have had with it. It carried around my two children for nearly two years. It has done hundreds of miles with us and it reminds me of them as baby's. 
I need to embrace the fact I have two toddlers that both want to walk and that the only reason for a pushchair in my life is to get us to pre school and to get errands done faster when I need to.

It's time.

Snap out of it women it's only a pushchair!!

Let's Talk Mommy
Everything Mummy


  1. My 10 year old daughter tells me she needs a wheelchair. I asked her why. She has two fully functional feet that can walk. She said that she just didn't feel like walking. I feel like she left out a part, maybe that she and her friends would get in the wheelchair and roll it down a hill (something they might plan).

  2. I get it. I feel a bit funny about throwing out/selling any of Elsa's things really but especially the Moses Basket for me. I won't be having any more babies so I don't need to keep it and I haven't got room to store it and yet I can't bring myself to get rid of it.

    On a side note, I have the Maclaren Techno XT and even though I loved it at first it is starting to annoy me on a daily basis. The seat doesn't seem deep or wide enough for my 21 month old and it is becoming a real struggle to push. She isn't particularly tall or big so I don't know why she doesn't have room in it. The brakes are also starting to stick. I just thought I'd let you know so you can make an informed decision :)


    1. I'm so glad I'm not alone! It has now sold :-( and I decided against the maclaren and got a mamas and papas urban buggy - love it! Thank you for your advice :-) xx

  3. Oh I feel the same I don't want to sell my bee! So even though I have a lovely double I've kept hold of it much to my husbands delight.... #kidscorner

    1. I've gone through so many pushchairs and this one had been my fav! It's now sold :-( but have a new buggy so new chapter :-) xx

  4. I can remember buying my first pushchair for my daughter, I ended up buying the first one I looked at and was sad that it didn't survive to put my son into it as I loved that pushchair. I can recommend the Zeta Vooom we bought it for my son when he was about a year and it lasted a good 2.5 yrs before we gave it to friends

    1. Thank you - pushchairs are such a major possession in our lives when we have children xx

  5. we have similar taste in push chair I had the quinny buzz for my first daughter as well and then we've recently had the iCandy peach too! we've gone for a stroller now which I love it'll be so strange when we don't use one at all anymore.

  6. You made me chuckle. It's hard to let go when there are so many memories attached to something. I am the same with MM nursery furniture as it was both my children's growing up and now I just can't sell it yet. lol It's only furniture I shall say now. lol Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme

  7. See I am the same and that is why I own 4 pushchairs! hahahaha! Thanks for sharing in #KidsCorner x



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