Friday 15 May 2015

My Captured Moment #17

It's that time of week where I link up with Heledd over at Running in Lavender for My Captured Moment and I get looking through all my photos. Looking through all our photos makes me happy, sad, smile, cry and every emotion in between as it makes me realise just how lucky we are and just how much we have done together in our 11 years together.
This weeks Captured Moment is of Finley on his very first car journey on the way home from the hospital. This has got to be one of the most nerve raking things that we have done. I had been in hospital with Finley for 3 days after his birth due to complications and I was desperate to get home. But when it came to it I was terrified for so many reason. One being we had to drive him in the car. This is where I sat in the back, didn't take my eyes off him and kept telling my husband to slow down. And two, once we were home it was just us three, no help from midwifes or nurses. We were going to be in sole charge of a baby and he depended on us and this was so scary!
This picture holds so many emotions for me as it reminds me of the day we bought our baby boy home and our family life started and our world changed forever. The day he came home it actually hit me that we were now parents and this little tiny person needed all our love and support to get him through life.

Running in Lavender

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, they look so so so tinny on that first dive home don't they? I have a very similar picture of my eldest on our way home from the hospital but don't have one of Pops for some reason? This picture is so cute and makes me want to dig out my baby pictures for next week. Thank you so much for linking up to #MyCapturedMoment xx



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