Tuesday, 28 July 2015

Homemade Thank You Cards - A Personal Touch

Noah turned 2 last week and he had a party on Sunday. And with a party comes presents, lots of them! I have always been old fashioned and sent thank you cards. I think this may be due to the fact I love to receive them to know people liked what we have got them and I also think its a lovely way to say an extra special thank you.

I have found the shop bought ones are quite expensive so I thought this time I would make homemade ones. With Noah only being two his input into what we actually did was minimal but I wanted it to be something he had done and I was pretty pleased with how they turned out.

I was going to do a hand print card but the amount of cards I needed to make this would have been pretty stressful. So I decided I would fold some card and get him to paint the front. I was planning on using A4 card and cutting it in half to make them A5 but luckily while going through the craft box I found some ready made cards left over from making his initiations last year. All I needed to do was fold them.

What I did was literally put a painting apron on Noah, fold the card, give him the paint brush and the paints in a bowl then put the card in front of him. I used 4 colours to begin with - red, blue, yellow and green - just because these were the colours we had. I also added in some white at the end, because after all the colours had been mixed they looked a bit mucky.

I then handed him card by card and got him to paint on them. Some of them have more paint on than others, as being 2 he refused to put much paint on some of them. We also went from paint brush to using hands which I thought made some of them look great.

When they were all dry I then wrote on any space I could find 'Thank You' in a metallic pen that we had. We had envelopes for the cards too which was a great help.

To me these are more personal and I am hoping all our friends and family love the personal touch of these thank you cards.

Let's Talk Mommy


  1. This is such a great idea! I love the personalised touch. Much nicer than a shop bought card. #toddlerapprovedtuesday

  2. Lovely idea! Really love it when I get a hand made card. Great to keep for the future too! I am sure your family and friends will love them. Thanks for sharing #ToddlerApprovedTuesday

  3. This is exactly what I do for Lambs thank you cards. We can't put every single painting he does on the wall, especially as we get lots from nursery too, so I cut them into A5 and turn into cards also! Such a lovely way to say thank you from the kids. xx #toddlerapprovedtuesday

  4. Aw these are so lovely! My little boy also turned 2 last week (July 24th) and I haven't yet got around to doing thank you cards, but homemade ones are a great idea! May try this! #sharewithme Amelia x

  5. What a lovely project and for the kids to get creative. Thank you ever so much for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme



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