Thursday, 30 July 2015

My Captured Moment #27

I'm linking up with Heledd at Running in Lavender for this week My Captured Moment.

This week is a very special one to me. I took this photo on Saturday while visiting my Nan. This is so special because this is how I used to be with my Nan.

I love my Nan so much and she has done so much for me. I have written previously about how she and my Mum made me the person I am today and this is still true. You can read that post here The Ladies That Made Me Who I Am Today.

We had just been to the park and the boys had asked to watch Peppa Pig. They were both tired and Noah had taken residence in my Nan's 'chair' - every grandparent has one don't they?! Finley got onto my Nan's lap and curled up to her. And he stayed there for a good 15 minutes.

Throughout my childhood I saw my Nan nearly everyday and to now see her love and cherish my boys is an amazing thing.

Running in Lavender


  1. How I wish my two kiddies have a Nan here, coz their Granny past away long time ago... this is the moment they will miss! #MyCapturedMoment

  2. Ah such a lovely post, our grandparents are so precious aren't they you never comprehend when you are young that they wont always be there they seem so invincible. x

  3. Such a lovely post and a lovely photo :) I love seeing my kids with grandparents too. I try to capture them together as often as I can

    Beth | Life-As-Mum

  4. This is such a beautiful post. I wish my grandparents would have been alive to meet my daughters. Thank you so much for linking up to #MyCapturedMoment xx

  5. This platform allows you to showcase your favorite moments with others. Each entry represents a unique infographic makers make your story or sentiment captured in a single photograph, making it a beautiful way to connect with others and celebrate life's



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