Friday, 10 April 2015

50 Happy Things

Thank you Jess over at Mrs Puddleducky and Sarah over at Run, Jump, Scrap! for the nomination to do 50 Happy Things.

I love doing things like this as it gets me really thinking of everything I have in my life and makes me realise just how lucky I am. Not that I forget how lucky I am but sometimes life gets in the way and we forget to appreciate all those people and things that put a smile on our faces.

So here goes:

1. My two boys, Finley & Noah (they were obvs going to be number one!)
2. My Husband (poor thing got demoted once the boys were born)
3. Family
4. My Mum & Nan
5. My best friend
6. Friends
7. Chocolate
8. Wine
9. Running
10. Playing in the sun with the boys
11. Baking
12. Family days out
13. Cups of Tea
14. Costa trips with the family & friends
15. Cake
16. Holidays
17. Shopping trips
18. My iPhone (always not too far from me)
19. Visiting the ducks
20. Walking with the boys
21. Going to Westonbirt Arboretum
22. Going to the beach
23. Pasta
24. Reading stories to the boys
25. Watching Finley on his bike
26. Listening to the boys sing
27. Watching the boys play
28. Cuddles with my husband
29. Hearing 'I love you' from the boys
30. Yankee Candles
31. Daffodils
32. Our Friday night takeaway night
33. Early morning snuggles in bed with the boys
34. Seeing the boys faces light up when they see their Grandparents
35. The way Noah says 'Mummy'
36. Marshmallows
37. Blogging
38. My TV shows (Neighbours, Hollyoaks, Grey Anatomy)
39. Sweets
40. Payday
41. Ice cream at the beach
42. Winter time when we wrap up in hats and scarfs for walks
43. Christmas
44. Birthdays
45. Cooking meals for guests
46. Girlie nights in with my bestest
47. Morning time (as long as it's not before 6.30!)
48. Welly walks
49. Summertime
50. Watching my husband and boys playing and laughing together

I thought this was going to be hard but once I got started I was on a role. There are so many things that make me happy and really and honestly they are the simplest things in life. And all of these things make me smile, and some of these things make me shed a tear. I am pretty damn lucky to have all these things that make me happy!

I now nominate:

Tanita at Just Motherhood
Karen at Crafty Mama
Beth at Twinderelmo
Liz at Working Mummy and Wife
Michelle at Misunderstood Mummy

I'm going to throw in some photos that make me happy too

Mums' Days
Running in Lavender
Let's Talk Mommy


  1. Such a lovely,happy post. I have been tagged to do this and i'm looking forward to writing it.
    Becky xx

  2. Loving this and the pics are beautiful xx

  3. Love all the photos added onto the post. I enjoyed writing mine too although wasn't tagged it fitted in with a blogging challenge! X

  4. I feel happy just reading that and I love all your photos - what a great post to have and look back on when you're not feeling so happy ;) Thanks for linking up xxx TheList xx

  5. great list love this idea! x x

  6. Ahh what a gorgeous happy list. It's so great to sometimes put into words what we are grateful and happy for. Life is too short not to. Thank you so much for linking up to Share With Me. I hope to see you again tomorrow for another great round. #sharewithme



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