Sunday 19 April 2015

A meal the whole family will enjoy - Meatballs in a Tomato Sauce with Spaghetti

In our house it's hard to find something that the whole family likes and will actually eat, especially when its home cooking. Sometimes I end up cooking 4 different meals on a night and there is only 4 of us in the family! So tonight I thought I would try something we haven't had before - Meatballs in a Tomato Sauce with Spaghetti.
When I did the food shop last week I picked up some meatballs from Aldi. Their meat is always fab so I was hoping these would be too as we have never had them before. And with spaghetti and a homemade tomato sauce they were a huge hit so I thought I would share with you.


12 Meatballs
Onions (I used Sainsbury's frozen onions)
Knorr Beef Stock Pot
Tin of chopped tomatoes

For the sauce

1 tablespoon of Tomato Puree
Sprinkle of Mixed Herbs
Sprinkle of Paprika
Sprinkle of Ground Garlic
Couple of Splashes of Worcester Sauce
Salt and Pepper to taste


I'm sorry the ingredient amounts are very vague as I tend to throw in anything I have in my cupboard!
Start by putting a saucepan of cold water on the hob and bring to the boil ready for the spaghetti.
Then in another saucepan throw in your tin of chopped tomatoes, tomato puree, mixed herbs, paprika, ground garlic and Worcester sauce and bring it to the boil. Then turn down the heat and stir occasionally for about 20 minutes.

While this is cooking in a frying pan heat up some oil and fry your onions and mushrooms. Once they are soft throw in the meatballs.

Every now and then keep turning the meatballs so that they brown all over. Once they are brown add in the beef stock pot. Stir until the onions, mushrooms and meatballs are coated in the stock.
Once the water is boiling add in the spaghetti, enough for 4 people. Again I wing this and just throw as much in as I think! That is probably why I have so much left over which I then make a pasta salad out of.
After about 20 minutes, taste the tomato sauce and add in some salt and pepper. Then add the tomato sauce to the meatballs and stir. Let this simmer for about 5/10 minutes until the spaghetti is ready.

Once it is all cooked dish up and your ready to eat. This is such an easy dish to just throw together and one that all the family (mine did) will love!
Sorry about the final photo as I was so hungry I started to eat and forgot to take a picture! And the boys ate with their tops off as this type of meal is a messy one as they normally end up eating with their hands. And I am just so glad they are eating that I carry on and let them!

Mums' Days
toddler approved tuesday


  1. Who doesn't love spaghetti? I love spaghetti. It looks great. The meat balls look amazing. My daughter won't eat anything with veggies in it. How do you get your kids to eat veggies?

  2. Great recipe, thank you for sharing X

  3. Looks yummy, thanks for sharing. Thanks so much for linking up to #TheList x

  4. oooh looks yummy! I am forever looking at ways to cut down our food shop bill! Great review and a lovely read which has got me thinking! Suz xx

  5. Yum! I am a new found lover of frozen chopped onions..I'm not sure how I didn't know they existed before now! Talk about saving me from tears! Looks a lovely and quick meal, thanks for linking up to #ToddlerApprovedTuesday. Did you know that our Pinterest board and Facebook page are now open for you to join in with? We would love to see you there too!

  6. Great family recipe!

    We'd love you to join our Facebook page and add your own posts there!

    Thanks so much for linking up to #toddlerapprovedtuesday this week x

  7. damn delicious! most of the time my mother also cooks something delicious for us because at that time we have our whole family gathered and then we will have a dinner together and your dish seems very delicious, last week after my success in my assignment session by the help of do my assignment online service, my mother arrange an event in which she cooks many delicious food too.



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