Friday 3 April 2015

My Week at a Glance #2 {23/03 - 29/03}

Last week was a quiet one for us with my eldest son Finley coming down with a virus on Wednesday and being sent home from Pre-School as he was so poorly. But we somehow still seemed to fill up our week even if it was a quiet one.

On Monday we had some friends over for tea after Pre-School and we decorated Easter gingerbread biscuits for pudding. The boys loved having a friend join them for tea as they usually just get little old me and the hubby.

On Tuesday we had my best friend & sister in law over for lunch with their little ones and we enjoyed a walk to our local shops.

Wednesday was the day I got the call that Finley was poorly. I had just got to a playgroup with Noah and had to shoot back off. Once home we had a chilled day on the sofa trying to get my little monkey better.

Thursday was another quiet day with Finley a little better but still no quite himself. So pyjama day it was.

On Friday we had my Mum and Nan over. I love seeing them and having them here. I got to go for a run when they arrived and then we enjoyed lunch after a little walk.

Saturday I had a girlie shopping trip which included wine, food and lots of shopping.

Sunday was a chilled one at my nans playing dress up with hats and doing puzzles. And eating lots!

I'm linking up with Working Mummy and Wife for this weeks My Week at a Glance. 

Mums' Days


  1. Oh sounds like a lovely week despite the virus! W has been unwell this week so I sort of relate x #myweekataglance

  2. I think Saturday sounds like my favourite day!! Wine AND shopping? a lethal combination to the wallet ;) Thanks for linking up xx #TheList



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