Thank you to both Working Mummy and Wife and Pennies Add Up for my nomination for the Liebster Award. Its very kind of you! It's really nice to know people like my blog and enjoy reading it. I feel I should answer both of your questions so here are my 22 answers.
The Liebster Award is given by one blogger to another. Each blogger has 11 questions to answer and then they write 11 questions for the bloggers they have nominated. It's also a great way to engage with and find out about other bloggers.
Here my 11 answered questions from Working Mummy and Wife.
What inspired you to start a blog?
I had been following a few bloggers, Brummymummyof2 and Write Like No One's Watching, for a while and it made me really really want to write. And I also wanted a place to show off my boys so that I would have a place to document all of our adventures and their achievements.
Sweet or Savoury?
Always sweet!!
Night in or Night out?
Night in. I love a take away, glass of wine, film and a good giggle. Especially when I know I have to be up at 6am in the morning.
What song sums you/your life up?
It has to be our first dance song at our wedding by Snow Patrol, Chasing Cars. Its strange words and me and the hubby always laugh about it. We like to do things for us. We do need help sometimes but its us against the world (haha that's another song!)
What is your star sign and do you think you follow the typical traits for that sign?
I'm a Leo. I wouldn't say I follow the typical traits as I'm not confident or ambitious but I am loyal and generous.
What super-power would you most like to have and why?
It would have to be flying! I would just love to fly and it would keep the boys and me entertained for hours.
What is your favourite meal?
Lemon and Ginger chicken by Uncle Bens. I absolutely love it but don't know the last time I had it as my husband hates it. My Nan always makes it for me when I go for tea as she knows how much I love it. My mother in law does too as she doesn't like it but my father in law does.
What is the first thing you'd do if you won big on the lottery?
Pay off our mortgage. Sorry its so boring but that is the one thing in life that stresses me out. And then take us all to Disney World in Florida!!
What is your life's ambition?
To be the best Mum to my children. Its probably so cliché but even before having children I didn't really have any ambitions other than to be a Mum.
Do you have a favourite place, and if so why?
Our bed. Its where I sleep (one of my favourite pastimes, or was!) and its where we all snuggle in the morning and at the weekends watching tv.
If you could go back and speak to yourself when you left school, what would you say?
Don't spend your whole life worrying about what everyone thinks of you.
Questions from Pennies Add Up
If you could go back to any time in your life when would it be?
I would go back to just before my wedding and lose some weight. I hate my weight in my wedding pictures as I hadn't really lost my baby weight from Finley as I knew we wanted another baby soon.
What's the biggest mistake you think you've ever made?
Staying in my last job as long as I did as I hated it!
Which item could you not live without?
My iPhone!
What is your biggest weakness?
I'm over emotional. I've got better since having the boys but I am known to cry at a lot!
If you could write for any magazine or newspaper which one would it be?
That's a hard one - I would say Ideal homes as I would have a big country house with an island in the kitchen, haha, my dream!
Tell me something surprising about yourself.
I once did a skydive.
What one piece of advice would you pass down to your children?
Don't worry what anyone thinks of you and be yourself. And be happy of who you are and what you do.
If you could change one thing about yourself what would it be?
I wish I was much more confident about myself.
Name one blog that you love to read.
If you were given just one wish, what would you wish for?
For my Gramp to still be here and for the boys to have met him.
You're stuck in the middle of nowhere: apart from the emergency services who is is the one person you would call?
My husband
Now here's my nominations:
And here are your questions:
1. How long have you been blogging?
2. Tea or Coffee?
3. Where would your dream holiday destination be?
4. What is your favourite colour?
5. If you had no fear what would be the one thing you would do?
6. Is there anyone people say you look like?
7. What is your favourite book?
8. What children's tv programme really annoys you?
9. If you could do any job in the world what would it be?
10. What is you favourite food?
11. What do you love about blogging?
Off you go :-)
Wow, I'm impressed you did all 22!! Great answers x
ReplyDeleteGreat post. I've got one coming up. Need to get on top of these tagged posts before they get out of hand. Yours are great with some good answers.
ReplyDeleteWell done on your award and well done for answering all those questions. Your food heaven is my food hell :) Thanks so much for linking up to #TheList x