Sunday, 1 March 2015

Me & Mine February 2015

This is my first month of linking up with this lovely linky, Me & Mine with Dear Beautiful. I love it as it allows me to look back and document our month and to really appreciate how precious time is with my gorgeous little family (and how time really does fly by!). I don't take them for granted but I don't appreciate my time with them as much as I know I should. Life gets so busy and its so easy to get carried along with the flow of things.
This month was a busy month for us. It starting with our first family holiday of the year to North Devon. We had the best time and was so lovely to spend a whole week, just us 4. I really enjoyed spending quality time with the boys as they are growing so quickly. There has also been a cinema date with my eldest to see Peppa Pig, an evening ball with the husband, train rides with Nana, playdates, evenings filled with laughter with friends and a date with Mr Grey for me.
It was also the month of our Nephews Christening which was a lovely day and we were so lucky to have been part of it and to have got to spend some quality time with close family. The day was just perfect for one of the most gorgeous little boys.
Finley got to spend an evening with Daddy at his pre school for a Bedtime Story evening which I was told consisted of story books, hot chocolate, biscuits and marshmallows.
I also got to spend a lot of time with my best friend, Sam, who I am so lucky to have in my life as she gets me through those hard times and we laugh so much!
I am so blessed to have so many incredible people in my life and to have my gorgeous little family.
Mummy is loving:
Baking cakes
Walks with the boys with their bikes & scooters
Running at the weekend
Daddy is loving:


Homemade flapjack

Spending quality time with the boys

Finley is loving:


His fireman bike


Noah is loving:

Cheese dippers

Walking everywhere rather than using the pushchair

Singing Old Macdonald

dear beautiful


  1. That's a lovely way to start with #MeandMine. It sounds like you've had a lot of lovely things going on in February. I look forward to seeing your #MeandMine posts in the coming months. x
    Kelly x

  2. Lovely photograph to start your Me and Mine year. Have a wonderful March #MeAndMine xx

  3. Well done for joining in this is a cute pic and I look forward to seeing all your future months. Welcome to the clan #meandmine



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