Thursday, 12 March 2015

My Captured Moment #9

I love Running in Lavender's weekly linky My Captured Moment. It makes me look through all of our photos, and there are many, and it reminds me of so many moments we have had together as a family. It reminds me, not that I forget but time just runs away with us, how amazing my little family are and just how lucky I am. We have tough times as all people do with children as they test you, my gosh they bring me to tears some days but I still look at them and love them like I have never loved before.
My Captured Moment this week was from a day in the garden last summer where we had all the garden toys out and put a tent up that my parent in laws have us. The boys had hours of fun in it and this photo was taken just after we had all shared a snack in the tent.

This photo is everything to me - my boys, my husband, my life - and as this photo sits on the window sill in our living room every time I see it, the happiness in it bursts out the photo.

Running in Lavender


  1. Fabulous. Says it all; such a beautiful, happy photograph. Particularly love how the wee one is snuggling into your face x #mycapturedmoment

  2. Ah thats lovely and you all look like you are having so much fun and you are right the happiness does burst out of the photo x

  3. I love this linky too. It makes me go through all my old photos and remember so many happy memories again! Love this photo you've chosen. Jess x #mycapturedmoment

  4. Aw this is a heart-warming photo. And I love the idea of putting a tent up in the garden!
    Sabrina x

  5. Oh this is just the sweetest photo. :) Utterly heartwarming.


    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  6. Fabulous photograph. What a gorgeous photo. It is filled with happiness. It sounds like you had a lovely day in the garden and this picture captures that perfectly. Hugs Mrs H xxxx #MyCapturedMoment

  7. Sometimes a photo can really capture that rare, special moment of pure happiness. And that's what you have here!! It's perfect!! Thanks for joining #mycapturedmoment xxx



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