Friday, 21 August 2015

10 Thing You Didn't Know About Me

Thank you to Shannon over at Shannonagains, Lisa over at The Love Of A Captain and Crummy Mummy over at Confessions Of A Crummy Mummy for the tag for 10 Things You Don't Know About Me.

As I was tagged three times I will answer all 3, I couldn't decide which to answer. Head over to read Shannon's, Lisa's and Crummy Mummy's 10 things as they are great.


So here goes......

Shannon's questions:

1. What was your first job?

I was a Saturday and holiday girl in a hairdressers. I was never interested in hairdressing but loved talking - still do haha!

2. Pancakes: thin or fluffy?

Both! Any types of pancakes are good.

3. Showers or baths?

I have a shower everyday but I love a good old bath. Don't get to have one as often as I like since children.

4. Geeky question: what would your patronus be? (Transalation for non Harry Potter fans: what animal best represents you?)

Lion. I will do anything to protect my pack - my family and friends.

5. Do you have any tattoos? If yes, what are they? If no, have you ever considered getting one?

No but I was talking about this today with my best friend and we have decided to rebel when we are 30 and I am going to get one. A tiny one. Don't know if it will ever happen as I am a wimp haha.

6. What’s your favourite blog post you’ve written?

A recent one, You Are My World - To Both My Boys.

7. What’s your favourite sweet treat?


8. Describe your perfect piece of toast – type of bread, how “done”, what toppings?

Granary bread, just right with butter and proper jam.

9. What’s your favourite colour to wear?

Oh I don't know. Something floral, not just one colour.

10. What song reminds you of a happy moment?

Snow Patrols 'Chasing Cars'. It was our first dance song.

Lisa's questions:

1. What is your guilty pleasure?

Eating chocolate biscuits for breakfast.

2. If you had a super power just for a day, what would it be?

To stop time so I could sleep all day and regain some energy. The time would stop for everyone else but not for me so I could stock up on sleep hours.

3. Your favourite day of the week and why?

Saturday. It's the start of the weekend, hubby is home and we see my Mum & Nan on a Saturday.

4. If you could re-live any day in the past, what would it be?

My wedding day. I wouldn't change a thing but it really was one of the happiest days of my life.

5. What was your last blog post URL?

6. Movies or books?


7. What song reflects you the most?

Now that's a hard one, Happy as I think I'm a pretty happy person.

8. What is your favourite blog to visit?

I have two, Run Jump Scrap and Twin Mummy Daddy, their girls are gorgeous and I love reading their blogs.

9. Twitter or Facebook?

Twitter for my blog, Facebook for personal.

10. If you could meet anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?

Gary Barlow, for the one reason that I actually love him!

Crummy Mummy's questions:

1. Fry up or cereal?
2. Have you ever met anyone famous?

I have met Harold Bishop, well the guy who plays him but to me he is Harold Bishop from Neighbours.
3. If you had an hour to produce a signature bake, what would it be?

A birthday cake!

4. When did you start your blog and why?

6 months ago as I wanted a place to document and vent motherhood. And I love the blogging community.

5. What’s the best thing you’ve been asked to review or try out as a blogger?
I was asked to review Folly Farm in Wales, the boys loved it and we got to have a family day out.
6. Have you ever turned down a review or experience?
7. Is there one blogger you particularly admire, and why?
Brummy Mummy of 2 because she's not afraid to document how hard being a mother is.
8. Where do you see your blog in five years’ time?
Don't have a clue!
9. What’s your favourite holiday destination?
Australia as it holds so many memories.
10. You couldn’t get through the weekend without…?
My husband being home!!
I now nominate these lovely bloggers if they would like to join in:

Michelle at Misunderstood Mummy
Ami at My Mummy Spam
Helen at Beautiful Things

Here's my questions for you:

1. Tea or coffee?
2. Where is the furthest you have ever travelled?
3. What is your favourite film?
4. Sweet or savoury?
5. What was your favourite subject at school?
6. What is the best advice you have ever received?
7. Where is your dream destination and why?
8. Describe yourself in two words.
9. What was your last blog post?
10. Did you have a nickname at when you were younger, if so what was it?

Hope you can join in.

The List
Mummy and Monkeys
The Dad Network


  1. Thanks for the mention beautiful! xxxxxx

  2. Id love to visit Australia one day and I love pancakes but only the thin ones. I'm not sure what's wrong with me :)

  3. Harold is definitely famous! I like choccy biscuits for breakfast too x #thelist

  4. Love this! I think my superpower would I love sleep too! Thanks for the mention...I love your blog too!! Xx

  5. Love this especially the Harold Bishop part lol. x #PicknMix

  6. What a great list! I relate to most things - espesh biscuits for breakfast! haha! I would love sleep to be my super power too! haha! Thanks for sharing! Suz x

  7. I do love these posts. great to get to know people a little more #PicknMix

  8. I loved reading this and finding out more about you. Yay for chocolate biscuits for breakfast and I have to say I am jealous about Harold Bishop!!
    Becky xx

  9. I love Chasing Cars, such an ace song. Loved reading this. Thanks for linking up to #TheList x

  10. Mmm chocolate biscuits for breakfast sounds perfect! Thanks for linking to #PickNMix

  11. I've got a small tattoo thar I got when I was 20 shortly after I went sky diving - it was an amazing year ha but yes they hurt a lot! Thanks for linking up to #Picknmix it's now open again
    Stevie xx

  12. I've got a small tattoo thar I got when I was 20 shortly after I went sky diving - it was an amazing year ha but yes they hurt a lot! Thanks for linking up to #Picknmix it's now open again
    Stevie xx

  13. I've got a small tattoo thar I got when I was 20 shortly after I went sky diving - it was an amazing year ha but yes they hurt a lot! Thanks for linking up to #Picknmix it's now open again
    Stevie xx

  14. Great post..I feel like I've learnt so much about you! :-) x

  15. Great questions and even better answers! I love these posts as you get to know bloggers on a more personal level, as though you're sitting down for a coffee together :) THanks for sharing on #bigfatlinky

  16. Always great to get to know more about you and I love the questions and your answers hunny. Thank you for linking up to Share With Me #sharewithme



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