Saturday, 15 August 2015

My Week At A Glance 10/08 - 14/08

We're here again and another week has past in a flash. This week again has been like most, filled with fun and laughter. Followed by a very tired Mummy and Daddy! But all worth it.

We started the week off by the boys spending the day with their friends while I took my nan to a hospital appointment so no photos here. Before I went to collect the boys, Nan and I popped into the garden centre for some lunch. It was lovely to spend time with her and chat without having to run around after the boys. I am very lucky to have such amazing friends to look after the boys as they would have been seriously bored at the hospital.

Tuesday there are no photos again but we spent a lovely day with a school friend. She has two boys too and they all played so well together. They had a ball and were so tired when we left. Tuesday evening I went to boxfit again with a friend and after a freshen up we enjoyed a meal at the local pub, in their garden which was lovely as the sun was just setting.

On Wednesday we spent the day with my mother in law. The day started early with us leaving at 8am and arriving at Nana's just in time for breakfast. They enjoyed it naked as I didn't want their clothes getting dirty before our planned day out lol! We then headed to Noah's Ark Farm Zoo. I had won a competition to hide treats for the elephants which included a family ticket entry. It was the best day and the boys loved playing on all the play areas they had. It was great hiding a pineapple for the elephants to find.

We ended Wednesday with a 'paddle' in the sea, as my in laws live just across from the beach. The paddle turned into a dunk but they had so much fun!

Thursday we had the most hilarious day at Westonbirt Arboretum with my best friend and her little girl. Just so many things happened that make us laugh so hard, best day!! I took the shot of the three kids on my new camera in the woods.

On Friday we had more viewers for the house so we all descended on my best friends house and she made us the yummiest lunch. It was lovely just chilling together. We then ended the week by planning out visit to Disneyland Paris for Finley's birthday - so excited!!

Another awesome week with the boys!

The Free Range Family
The List


  1. Disney land in Paris sounds like an awesome plan! #busydoinglife

  2. oooh Disneyland! How exciting. I make the gremlin eat in the buff too when she is having something messy xx #happydays

  3. Ooooh Westonbirt is on our to do list sometime, mind you so is Disneyland! Must be exciting to be planning it :-D #busydoinglife

  4. Disneyland will be awesome, how exciting! x

  5. Wow, hiding the treats for the elephants sounds fab! I would to take Oliver to Disneyland, who are you booking it through?
    Becky x

  6. I Love reading these types of posts :)
    Disneyland is amazing!! definitely work taking kids as well as adults :)

  7. Wow what a great week especially getting to hide treats for the elephants. Were you able to get close up? #happydays

  8. Sound like you had a lovely week! The Noah's Ark Farm Zoo sound like fun too! Well done for winning the competition. I love elephants. It is so great that the in laws live so close by the sea. Wish our in laws lives so close by the sea too. Looking forward to your next post on Disney Paris. x #HappyDays

  9. Haha I sometimes wait to get the girls dressed if we are off out too! Thanks for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky x

  10. Disneyland?! Sooo jealous!!

    That sunset photo looks amazing, what a gorgeous colour the sky turned for you. :)

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx



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