Monday 17 August 2015


When did my 3 year old turn into a teenager? The last few weeks on his approach to turning 4 has been testing, to say the least.
Is this what I have in store for me when he is 4? I could handle the threenagers tantrums and demands but the attitude is something else.
He will talk back, ignore me, argue with me and generally be a grumpy bum at times. Don't get me wrong he isn't like this all the time and I enjoy spending time with him. He is still my loving and caring 3 year old but the attitude just takes over sometimes.
The ignoring part I am used to. He has done this since he was about 2 and I think all children do. The selective hearing and just generally not doing as he is told. I literally have to say something 10 times or end up raising my voice for him to listen.
He will argue with me on a daily basis. I don't mean argue as in shouting at each other he will argue with something I say. Like the other day we went to the park, I had said to him what the park was called and he told me it wasn't. He was adamant that the park was called something else. Not sure why but being the stubborn mother that I am we ended in a 'it is' 'no it isn't' stand off. But once we got to the actual play equipment it was all forgotten and he went off and played.
Then there is the instant want. He wants something that second. And if he doesn't get it he will shout and cry. Oh the crying. And there are real tears. They are tears of frustration for not getting what he wants or having to wait. I can handle this at home but when we are in town or in the supermarket I just get what I need to done and get home.
The whole attitude comes with the talking back. Just this morning he asked what I had just said. I told him that I had said 'Your crumpet is just toasting'. He replied with 'no, what did you say before that'. I hadn't said anything. Which I told him and he wouldn't take this as an answer and kept asking 'no before that'.
When I raise my voice he will say to me 'there's no need to tell me off all the time' or 'don't shout at me'. Well this makes me feel like a terrible mother even if it is the first time I have raised my voice that day.
And then there is the 'no more photos mummy!', lol!
He seems to think he is the boss and I am just the lady that looks after him. Sometimes I have to laugh as he is only 3 but my goodness this 'stage' is hard!!
The grumpy culprit

Before he told me 'no more photos mummy'
Reflections From Me
And then the fun began...


  1. hehehe, I had to laugh, but I know it's not funny really. It can be such a challenge! I guess the best tactic is a gentle reminder that respect needs to be a mutual thing but that's tough in itself!! #maternitymondays

    1. Very tough - these little people are very strong willed xx

  2. I wonder if they get some fresh batch of hormones because my Z is exactly like this and carried it on into his fours too! It's like having a mini teenager in the house!

  3. With every age there seems to be a new challenge. My little man is 5, getting close to six and he thinks he runs the house. I think they will keep testing us and we just have to keep showing them what they can and can't get away with. It is not easy, but we just have to cherish the precious moments #mummyandus

  4. Oh I can relate to this so well, Monkey is such a stroppy bum too at the moment and it is soo hard not to get sucked in to an argument with him about something completely pointless! Argh threenagers! ! Thanks for linking with #MaternityMondays

  5. Oh this keeps getting better and better doesn't it? haha bless you.It did make me smile but also think...noooo the strops go on? It shows he has a good personality bless him and is confident enough to ask xx #mummyandus #maternitymondays

  6. Aw bless him! I was hoping 4 was when the attitude stopped! Let's hope you get a break before he turns into a real grumpy teenager! x #mummyandus

  7. Haha as you know I'm going through the threenager stage with Alfie, mannnn it is hard! You mean to tell me it doesn't get much better??Whaaaaa?!! *grumpy face*


    1. Great fun isn't it - translated to bloody hard!!!! Sorry to report it doesn't stop, just yet xx

  8. It's unbelievable sometimes they can throw such an attitude! It's funny to compare them to a teenager but you make some great points here lol #mummyandus x

  9. Yep - I've got one too although he's only just turned three - but my nearly six year old makes up for what he lacks by talking back, telling me not to shout (yes that does make me feel dreadful!) telling me to 'take your time mummy' when I eat and not to use too much water when I wash as we've just had a water meter installed! Sometimes I'm not sure who is the adult and who is the child! Thanks for linking up to #thetruthabout Xx

    1. They really do try to push the boundaries don't they! And they think they run the place lol xx

  10. This is so familiar, Ez is exactly the same, I thought his language improving would help reduce the meltdowns, but now he is just far better at coming up with (hilarious!) threats if he doesn't get his own way, "I'll take away all your happy thoughts and make you live inside a mean shark"!!

  11. I feel you mumma! I'd love to say it gets better buy my eldest is 7 and still insists on asking me a question and telling me the answer is wrong -_- Oh and the huffing my girls are forever huffing/sighing as if I'm asking them do such a hard task like tidy up their room because of course neither of them made any of the mess why should they do it? x



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