Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Me & Mine ~ July

Mummy is loving:

* Running in the evenings and weekends
* Our holiday at Bluestone, Wales
* Finally putting the house of the market
* Planning & hosting Noah's 2nd birthday party
* Watching the Affair

Daddy is loving:

* His 2 weeks off work
* Playing Golf
* Soft play with the boys
* His Apple Watch - still!
* Watching House of Cards

Finley is loving:

* Days in the Garden
* Riding his bike everywhere
* Preschool holidays
* Ice creams
* Learning to write letters with a little help from dots

Noah is loving:

* Being 2!
* His new water play table
* Learning new words everyday
* Peppa Pig World and Peppa Pig in general - totally obsessed
* Playing the in the garden in his cosy coupe

July has been a great month for us with our holiday to Bluestone and Noah turning 2. I'm looking forward to what August has in store for us.

I'm linking up with Lucy over at Dear Beautiful for this months Me & Mine.
dear beautiful
The List


  1. Awe love the summer months! Sounds wonderful. Thanks for linking w #famjamlinky

  2. I can't believe we are half way August already!! July passed so quick for us too. It looks that you had a great month! X #famjam

  3. Sounds like a great month. Glad you enjoyed Bluestone, we went back in Jan and really loved it. Thanks for linking up to #TheList xx



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