Monday, 3 August 2015

My Week At A Glance 26/07 - 31/07

It's that time of week and once again I am surprised at how much we have squeezed into just 5 days!

On Monday we spent the day at a friends chilling and catching up - no photos here as the kids were far to crazy to grab a picture, and I was too busy drinking tea and chatting!

Tuesday I started my day with a bit of DIY. As we are selling the house we have been doing odd bits and bobs. We had realised a couple of shelves in Finley's room were leaning down so we tried to sort them out. Hubby let me use the drill and I did a pretty good job, until Mr Finley decided to lean on them! We the spent the day with our favourite people in our favourite place, Westonbirt. We enjoyed a picnic and a long walk, took us 4 hours! The boys were talking to rabbits down the hole in the picture. We then enjoyed a Pizza Hut tea as we had a viewing of our house late on.

My Tuesday evening was then spent doing solicitor paperwork, boo!

Wednesday was a strange day as we had been invited to an animal critters morning. We went despite me being a little snake phobic. Finley had the best time holding and touching the snakes thanks to my amazing friend going around with him while I cowered in the corner.

Thursday was a day at home as I was looking after my friends little girl. We took the black and white photo late on Thursday, I was a little tired from looking after 3 toddlers but it was a fun day.

On Friday we headed to my in laws by the sea with my sister in law and nephew. It was the most amazing day and the sun shone for us. We enjoyed the Cbeebies roadshow, walks along the beach, ice cream and donkey rides. I love spending time with my in laws, they seriously are the best in laws I could ask for!

It has been a great week!

Reflections From Me
What Katy Said


  1. Friday sounds lovely. Good luck selling your house, ours sold fairly quick so hopefully yours will too! I love that you were too busy chatting and relaxing Monday to take photos! Thanks for linking up with #mummyandus, love to have you back next week xo

  2. Sounds like a very eventful and lovely week! We're selling our house too and the amount of paperwork is insane! Good luck with everything x #mummyandus

  3. Busy week! Eurgh DIY for moving...we should be doing that now in prep for a move next year. Hope the snakes were good! I quite like them :-) xxx #mummyandus

  4. Eeee your daughter was brave to touch the snake. Love the black & white photo! #MummyAndUs x

  5. Sounds like a busy week! I wouldn't touch a snake! Yikes! x

  6. The CBeebies roadshow sounds ace though it also sounds like a mega busy week!

  7. Popping over from #mummyandus, enjoyed reading about your week, it's good to see it all written down, makes you realise why you're exhausted at the end of it!!

  8. Yay, go you, using the drill! I'm not sure I'd trust myself to use a drill. I don't even trust hubby most of the time! ;)

    I'm not sure how I feel about snakes... they're a bit... creepy?

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

  9. What a busy week you had! Not sure I would be going near a snake at all and 1 toddler is exhausting at the best of times, let alone 3! Happy Friday to you x #myweekataglance

  10. We have a few leaning shelves- no matter what I do they just don't want to sit straight!! Looks like a great week. Thanks for joining in #HappyDaysLinky x

  11. CBeebies roadshow sounds great! We went to an animal critters thing the other day - was good!

    Thanks for linking up to #TWTWC xxx

  12. Wow! A busy week and great photos - the one looking in rabbit holes is cure and the b/w one is lovely too. Thanks for joining #myweekataglance



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