Saturday, 22 August 2015

It's My Birthday So Here Are 28 Things I Have Learnt In 28 Years

Today I turn 28! This isn't a post to moan about how old I am getting, as I don't think I am or how old I am feeling. I thought I would write a list of 28 things that I have learnt in my 28 years of life.

1. Labour hurts!

2. Having a Mum & Dad who get divorced isn't that bad, they end up much happier.

3. Watch out where your going when driving. If you don't you will end up bumping your car, or writing it off (it was the sun's fault lol).

4. Don't drink Sambuca, it's vile and will make you sick, in a club, in Cyprus!

5. Along the same lines, don't drink 5 Jager bombs in one go, again you will be sick and get a very very bad hangover.

6. Spend as much time with your Grandparents as you can and cherish them, because one day they wont be there to give you a hug anymore.

7. Don't let a boy tell you want you can and can't do, be your own person.

8. Eat what you love, in moderation, because if were honest life is too short to eat a lettuce leaf for lunch.

9. Let your hair down every once in a while.

10. Travel while you are young or if you can't make sure you travel at some point in your life. You will have so much fun while wondering around places that you have no idea of where you are going.

11. Let your children be little, because soon they will be big and you will cry.

12. Grow your own cucumbers, they taste so much better than the shop bought ones.

13. Dance. Whenever and wherever, even if you feel silly because dancing makes you feel so much better.

14. Same as above, sing. Whenever and whenever. Even if you can't sing a single note.

15. Laugh even when you want to cry, it helps, it really does.

16. Try not to cry at everything because you will be called a cry baby. I have toughened up since having the boys but I used to cry at EVERYTHING!

17. Eat pancakes for breakfast at least once a week. I am yet to do this but I will do this by the time I am 30, preferably on a Saturday morning, cooked by the hubby.

18. 1001 is the god of all carpet cleaner, it cleans up everything and anything.

19. Ironing is not fun, but something that has to be done when you have a husband that wears a new shirt every day.

20. Make sure you get outside everyday, because a day at home will make you go stir crazy.

21. Don't beep at white van drivers that cut you up, or any vehicle for that matter, as they may stop the van, get out and shout abuse. Even if it was their fault for the beeping!

22. Listen to what Peppa Pig says, she makes some valid points sometimes.

23. Stay in your pyjamas until lunchtime at least once a week, go one better every once in a while and stay in them all day.

24. Talk to your Mum at least once a day, even if its just a text. She will make everything better.

25. Don't turn away help when you have children. People aren't being rude they are there to help.

26. Don't be afraid to ask for help, in any situation however silly you may think it is.

27. Kiss your children goodnight, every night.

28. Drink prosecco with Rhubarb cordial - you haven't lived until you have.

Happy birthday to me!

The Dad Network
Running in Lavender
And then the fun began...

You Baby Me Mummy


  1. Happy birthday honey! Great post made me chuckle! Totally agree about Peppa ha ha! X

  2. Happy birthday! Definitely agree with no 7 and 15! Great post! #justanotherlinky

  3. Happy birthday... you are so very right... lettuce for lunch is such a wasted opportunity!!

  4. Happy birthday - I agree with so many of these, high five on number 7! #bigfatlinky

  5. Happy birthday, what a great list I love staying in my PJ's until mid day a habit my kids enjoy too #justanotherlinky

    1. Thank you - pj days are just the best! I also love to get into my pjs about 5pm lol xx

  6. Happy birthday. I gave a shiver just reading Sambuca...

  7. Happy birthday love the singing and dancing thanks for hosting x

  8. Happy birthday gorgeous! I love this list and you sound so similar to what i have learnt too (cept I'm 30!) xx #justanotherlinky

    1. Thank you lovely lady! I drank wine at lunch and now feel dead haha xx

  9. I have nominated you for The Sunshine Blogger Award. Acceptance is purely optional but if you are interested then please follow the link

  10. Good list and I agree completely about the Jagerbombs. #bigfatlinky

  11. Belated happy birthday! That's a lot of very fabulous things you've learnt... Many would be on my own list. Especially travelling while young, best thing I did with my twenties xxx #sundaystars

  12. Happy Birthday!! haha this made me chuckle. There are some points on here I'm definitely going to try. Especially the last one! :-) It's my birthday on Monday too! I hope you've had a beautiful day xx

  13. Happy birthday! Yes labour does hurt haha. Sambuca, mmm mmmm haven't had that in years but I suspect I would probably vomit after one shot these days!!


  14. Happy birthday! This is lovely! I've never grown my own cucumber or drunk rhubarb cordial with prosecco - I fear I've massive missed out! Definitely putting that on my to do list :) x #SundayStars

  15. Great list! Happy Birthday, I turned 28 this week too, great age ;)


  16. Happy Birthday! Its easy to tell you are still young by reading this list - those ones about Jager bombs and drinking Sambuca in clubs? Distant memory I'm afraid!! Enjoy the last couple of years of your 20s hon Xx #thetruthabout

  17. Love this list. I respectfully disagree with you on the sambuca. I love the stuff, particularly black sambuca, but then I don't knock it back: I sip it. Then again, I am a bit odd. Happy birthday! #justanotherlinky

  18. Sambuca is rank! I agree! #bigfatlinky

  19. Happy Birthday lovely hope you had a great day! I love your list the cucumbers made me laugh how random! Also I am the opposite to you I used to be hard as anything and never cry EVER since the girls I always cry Thanks for linking up to #sundaystars

  20. This is great. Happy birthday! #TheLost

  21. Sambuca is EVIL! Hope you had a lovely day #thelist

  22. What a great post!! Totally agree with number 6!! My nain and taid mean the world to me :) xx

  23. Haha! great list.
    Very familiar with number 5!,
    and I carry out number 27 religiously without fail.
    Happy belated birthday, hope it was a good one! :) x

  24. Happy birthday! Great lessons, what a lovely post to read. Thanks for linking up to #TheList x



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