Friday, 28 August 2015

REVIEW - 'Spot A Lot Vehicles' Storybook & Jigsaw From Parragon Books

I was thrilled when I was asked by Parragon Books to be one of their Book Buddies after meeting them at BritMums. We are all lovers of books in this house especially the boys. We read two books a night while they are drinking their milk in bed.
So when our first book landed on the mat this morning we were thrilled that it was Spot A Lot: Vehicle Jigsaw which was a story book and jigsaw as my boys are big lovers of jigsaws too!

Here's the description of the book sent to me by Parragon books:
The delivery truck has broken down, but the parcel needs to get to town. Follow the deliveryman on his vehicle adventure! Look very carefully to count and spot the different vehicles on every page. A bright and busy book to keep you and your little one searching, spotting, reading and counting together again and again! READ the storybook, then PLAY with the jigsaw puzzle! Once you've completed your jigsaw, turn it over and colour it in! This cute, compact boxset with carry-along handle is ideal for journeys, holidays, rainy days – and every other kind of day!

Spot A Lot: Vehicles Jigsaw is available at:
Easons, Matalan, TK Maxx and The Works.

The book and puzzle comes in a box which is sealed with Velcro. This is fab as you can keep the book and puzzle together - and keep the puzzle all in one place. It is a very sturdy box and has a little handle for little hands to carry it around.
The boys were so excited so we sat down and read the book together. It is a great book as it is more than just a story book, you get to interact with them. So rather than us sitting there and me reading the book we got to go through it together finding all the different things that the book asks us to. There are lot of funny things on each page that made the boys laugh, one being the dog wearing a hat umbrella.

We also ended up doing all the vehicle sounds as we went through the book.
Once we finished the book it was straight onto the puzzle. The boys couldn't wait and we all got down on the floor and started to figure out the puzzle. Finley knows how to do puzzles whereas Noah loves to do them but doesn't quite get the concept and puts pieces everywhere. But he is pleased with himself on every piece he places. But with a little prompting and help from Daddy we managed to do the puzzle. The puzzle has 30 pieces, just the perfect amount for Finley.

The puzzle is bright and has loads to point out during making the puzzle and afterwards. Then once you have completed it you can turn it over and colour it in. I will leave this one for Finley to do as I think Noah may just scribble all over it. This is on our to do list tomorrow during Noah's nap.
It is such a great set that I would recommend to any parent of a child that loves vehicles. It is well illustrated and has such bright colours.

The whole interaction of it is brilliant and just what you want in a book for a 2 & nearly 4 year old. There was no time to get bored as there was just more and more to find.
You can follow Parragon Books on:
Facebook - Parragon Books
Twitter - @parragonbooks
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Pinterest - parragonbooks
*I received this product from the publisher for free. However, they have not paid me for this review, and they do not exercise any editorial control over my review or anything else on this site.*
Binky Linky
Mummy and Monkeys
Stopping at two


  1. Ah looks great! So much to do in one book! Also a bonus that the boys were so entertained! Fab review xx #binkylinky

  2. These would be lovely gifts for my young granddaughters


  3. It sounds really good! Great review - thanks for sharing :) #PicknMix

  4. Aww they look to be having such a fab time playing together! We love books in the house so will defo check this out! Thanks for sharing and its a lovely read! Suz x

  5. Love Parragon! We're book buddies too and have been sent the Spot A Lot Animals one like this! This one looks great! Thanks for linking up to the #BinkyLinky

  6. My little one would love this! I'm glad I'm not the only one who reads two stories before bed either - I sometimes feel like I'm indulging him but you can't overindulge in books or cuddles right?! #sundaystars

  7. This book looks fab thanks for linking to the binkylinky

  8. Ah I wish I knew of these when Harley was a little younger. They look fab. I love that it's a puzzle and a book in one. It extends the interest. I'd be interested to know if there are any for slightly older children. Thanks so much for linking up with #thisweekiveloved x

  9. Oh my twins would adore this! What a great one for getting them interested. Thanks for linking up and sharing :) Jess xx


  10. What a lovely book and puzzle combo! My boys used to have a book that folded out into a mini track for a wind up train that they loved for years.
    Thanks for linking up to #Picknmix lovely
    Stevie x

  11. Love this! I absolutely love these kind of books for kids, and to have a puzzle for them to do too! What more could they want!! I'm sold and am nipping onto Amazon this evening!!! Thanks so much for linking up with #ThisWeekIveLoved Steph xxxx



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