Thursday, 27 August 2015

My Captured Moment #31

I'm linking up with Heledd at Running in Lavender for My Captured Moment. I love doing this each week as I really look at my photos and I actually give the simplest ones meaning.

This picture was taken last week on our bus trip back from town. Finley looks deep in thought and this was how he was most of the journey, before he fell asleep!

The bus route was through places which we haven't been before so he was just taking it all in. I really do love this photo, so simple but so meaningful to us.

Running in Lavender
Mummy and Monkeys


  1. He looks so deep in thought! #MyCapturedMoment

  2. I love seeing kids get totally engrossed in the world around them. Tin Box Tot gets so excited about bus rides. Some of it is to do with 'The wheels on the bus' being one of her favourite songs, but I'm sure it's also because she likes looking out of the window at everything going by #mycapturedmoment

  3. A lovely photo totally concentrating on something love it :) x

  4. Gorgeous photo, sometimes the simple ones really are the best aren't they #mycaptueredmoment

  5. This is sweet, his jacket is cool!

  6. He does look so contemplative! #picknmix

  7. Aw how lovely. So nice to capture the more simpler moments isn't it?! #PickNMix xx

  8. Oh bless him, he really does look deep in thought. Thank you so much for linking up to #MyCapturedMoment xxx

  9. I love it when they fall asleep when we're travelling somewhere, even at age 9 and 11 they just look so cute to me :)
    Thanks for linking up to #Picknmix
    Stevie x

  10. I love it when they fall asleep when we're travelling somewhere, even at age 9 and 11 they just look so cute to me :)
    Thanks for linking up to #Picknmix
    Stevie x

  11. I love it when they fall asleep when we're travelling somewhere, even at age 9 and 11 they just look so cute to me :)
    Thanks for linking up to #Picknmix
    Stevie x



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