Monday, 10 August 2015

My Week At A Glance 03/08 - 07/08

Weeks seem to be flying by and each Saturday I can't believe where the last week has gone. Last week we had a pretty relaxed one, but still full with not much time to sit down!

Monday we spent the day with my best friend. She came over to our house and the kids just spent the day running around playing. We did have a few tantrums when we popped into town, but don't know what I expect when I take 2 toddlers shopping!

Tuesday we went swimming. No photos here as getting two toddlers changed for swimming isn't the easiest when they are both trying to open the door, especially when I am stood there naked!! But they both had the best time while swimming so that was the main thing.

Tuesday evening I went to Boxfit, you can read my experience here.

On Wednesday we had a morning at home where the boys made stepping stones with books and generally played rather nicely. I had a play about with my new camera that hubby has got me for my birthday. Its not for a few weeks but I was allowed to have it early. After lunch we popped into town which ended in me scratching the car on a pillar. I was not impressed and just felt rather silly. But these things happen and as hubby said, its only a car.

Then Wednesday late afternoon we took a walk to McDonald's for tea. We had viewers for the house at tea time so I thought this was the best option to keep the boys occupied. On the way home Finley stood next to a tree and asked for a picture! Definitely my son lol!

On Thursday I had a morning in the hubby's office for a photo shoot they were having for their brochure, as I work part time for them I needed to be involved. Then we had some friends over in the afternoon for a playdate. Was lovely catching up, drinking tea and organising our night out next week.

Friday then saw my cousins wedding. We had the best time and it was so lovely to see loads of family we don't see that often. The boys played lovely with their second cousin which was great to see as I was always so close to my cousins growing up. I managed to get a few photos on the new camera, great for birthday and Christmas presents to go in frames!

This week is a busy one so we will have taken the weekend to recharge.

What Katy Said
You Baby Me Mummy


  1. Ooo sounds like a busy week and, copying you, I think we are due a McDonald's tea, thanks for linking up with #MaternityMondays

  2. Your new camera looks fab.

    I haven't had McDonalds in ages, I am craving one now!! What have you done?! ;)

    Thanks for joining our #HappyDaysLinky

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

    1. I'm already obsessed with using it :-) I'm sorry but McDonald's is amazing lol xx

  3. You actually haven't stopped! Sounds so busy. Hope you have stopped aching and you looked gorgeous in the wedding piccys xx #maternitymondays

    1. Haha I don't think I ever do lol! Thank you lovely :-) xx

  4. Sounds like a great week. We had a cheeky mcds too haha!! Thanks for sharing in #HappyDaysLinky x

  5. Sounds like such a busy week. I recently scratched my car on a brick wall, I felt silly too it made such a horrid noise! I haven't a MacDonalds for ages, now I want one haha!
    Becky x



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